So I have been pretty lax with the updates thru all these holidays but rest assured I'm going to have something for your New Years Day Hang Over. New Years Eve is the 2nd Anniversary of HoustonSoReal aqnd I plan to spend all night on it again, like I did 2 years ago. I have some new music, photos and YouTubage I haven't posted up yet. Plus a full on holiday report from headquarters with stories of how I drank Genny Cream Ale, ate apple pie for breakfast and dchocolate peanut butter balls for lunch. I'm also going to tell you that my mother bought me boxer shorts with weed leafs all over them for Christmas and a DVD player I plan to set to region 2 so I can watch DVD's from other places on the TV not just the computer. Yeah man it's gonna be off the chain believe me. I got stories and such fo dat ass. And music. And videos.
And I am also going to outline my New Years resolutions which will be magnanimous undertakings but fuck it.
I'm also going to strive to be easier to work with. I think I just lost another job this week because I can't keep my mouth shut when editors start acting like Dilberts.
Why must everything have a formula? Why are these formulas created by the most boring of our society? Why are the most boring of our society in charge? In the nation that exists in my mind, drunks rule and stoners guard the roost.
I don't know.
Abacuses and slide rules for everyone.
And Genny Cream Ale. And Shiner Bock.
And Bukowski dvds. (why are there so many of these now that dude is dead?)
Go Vegan Texas.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
R.I.P. Eban Doss

Photo courtesy of (I mean taken from) the Houston Chronicle Website)
Not too much known about what happened, but from what I heard... Inspirational, experimental, DJ and producer Eban Doss has passed from a short, but long bout with Melanoma/Skin Cancer. I honestly don't know a lot of details and didn't know dude really well but always admired his music and thought he was pretty cool. There will be a Memorial event celebrating his life on Friday night, I think at the Grab. More details to follow.
Cuz Davey D Said That
I mean he sent it. In a mass email. But it's the truth and I hope it means something to you. Change for 2007 is the motto on all levels. Change ourselves. Change the government. Change the arts. Change the structure. Change it all cuz it ain't working in it's current state.
Anyway, this is by Kristine Wright, a voice that needs to be heard.
Hit on the regular for the real.
Rise up Hip Hop Nation: Making 2007 the Year of Sustainable Change
by Kristine Wright (Tina)
On the eve of a new year, I'd like to begin by offering peace and respect to everyone everywhere. While many are celebrating the holiday season, many more are suffering. Some are reflecting on the year gone by, while others are just praying the New Year will bring new possibilities for joy, peace, sustenance and justice. This is the time of year for reflection on the past and resolutions for the future. For me, this annual process led me to important questions. How can we make 2007 the year of sustainable change? What concrete steps can we take to address what ails our communities and our global village more broadly? Wherever we are in life, whether blessed or oppressed, affluent or struggling, the condition of the global village will directly affect us all sooner or later, and it is in our best interest to work towards sustainable change.
The first thing we must do is realize that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We can no longer wish for better and act the same, maintaining status quo by default. To get out of the hell that corporate greed, concentrated power, western imperialism, religious fanaticism, and "ideology over reality" have created, we must get specific about what it will take to realize people power. It is not enough to be compassionate, you must act (14th Dalai Lama, 1992). And here are a few specific things you can do:
1. Pick one local issue and one global issue that you will educate your self about and stay informed!
2. Join two organizations that deal with your issues of choice (feel free to email me if you need some suggestions).
3. Mentor one child (For parents, mentor your children fully and completely). For childless adults (21+), mentor a child at your local school, Boys/Girls Club, or Big Brother/Big Sister organizations. Each One Teach One; Each One Reach One.
4. Sign at least one petition a month. Activism in the digital age is much easier than in previous ages, and it is easier to stay informed via the internet and email. For those that do not have internet access at home, utilize your city's public library.
5. Recognizing that all media is framed (left/right, conservative/liberal), get your news from multiple media sources. By doing this, you will learn to separate facts from ideology.
6. Attend three community meetings or rallies a year or volunteer at community service centers at least three times a year. Getting involved in your community will lead to changes on the community level which will manifest on the global level eventually.
7. Be a conscious consumer. It's a simple as this: support what you believe helps your community, reject what does not.
8. Vote. Whether the system works or doesn't; whether elections are stolen or not. Too many of our forefather and foremothers died to give us the right to vote, and for no other reason than that, we need to honor that right. I strongly recommend all, particularly full time workers, consider absentee voting (this way you don't have to worry about making it to the polls on the day of the election). Visit your state's Secretary of the State page to register to vote and/or sign up as an absentee voter. Voting is easy and doesn't cost to do, but it might cost greatly when we do not. Do not buy into the idea that two evils are the same. There is no more striking example than the Iraq war to disprove this belief. I know if the 2000 election resulted in President Gore instead of Bush, we would not have hundred of thousands of dead Iraqis and thousands of dead and wounded service people. As well, global warming, and science in general, would be taken much more seriously. Voting may not directly affect your community but not voting could. To directly affect your community, it takes activism by community members and this list hopefully provides some guidance.
9. Make a sincere effort to communicate across class, color and generational lines. Most of what ails our community could be fixed with honest, open dialogue. With this we could overcome the internal divisions that separate us, and unity could be realized.
10. FORGIVE. No sustainable change will be possible until we develop the ability to be critical but forgiving, unyielding on principle but yielding on people and humanity. Mistakes have been made but if we let our mistakes keep us divided, it will impede our progress. We have to embrace our mutual interests and avoid getting clogged down in our differences. A community divided is a community conquered indeed. I challenge those in conflict to take time to dialogue on what divides us (hip hop v. civil rights generation, mainstream v. underground, rapper v. rapper, bourgeois v. proletariat) and find common ground to work together on. Sustainable change will require that brothers and sisters reconcile with our humanity, and forgive past (as well as future) shortfalls and indiscretions.
It is in human nature to be self-preserving, even at the expense of our progress at times. Informants have sold out movements for personal reward – and will again; some leaders have played politics at the community's expense for power – and continue to; brothers and sisters have disrespected themselves and their ancestors through some thoughtless actions (and even profit from some of this in hip hop). Our inability to forgive one another's trespasses will be our biggest impediment toward self determination. While I believe critical analysis of people that hurt our cause is essential, making criticism of others our primary focus makes it that more difficult to find common ground and unify around common interests. In the words of Iyanla Vanzant, Be against nothing…just be clear what you are for.
Here are a few things I'd like to see happen on an institutional level:
1. Black media needs to step up and serve the community, not exploit it. I see great room for this right now because it seems that commercial "urban" radio is at a crossroads. The music industry in general, and the hip hop industry, in particular, will never be the same, due to many things: the digital age being one of the major reasons. Hip Hop radio is struggling these days. It is the perfect time for radio to get innovative and diversify its play lists. It's obvious that the listening community is finally grown weary of the same ole' same ole'. What is needed is a more representative and balanced vision of hip hop. But even more than that, the media needs to inform listeners of issues that affect their lives. I see some success of that happening with national syndicated programs like the Michael Baisden Show (which is creating a community of 50+ heavily populated Black cities across the country every weekday and discussing some important issues that affect the community). As well, he has given airtime for everyday community organizers and entrepreneurs to promote their events and businesses. This is a good model to embrace.
Hip hop stations need to give quality time to issues important to the hip hop community. I'd like to see commercial stations like K-DAY (in L.A. and streaming worldwide) give a primetime 30 minute spot weekdays, and an hour weekend spot to this type of broadcast. Davey D's Breakdown FM Radio provides a great model. I'd also like to see 5 minute spots @ 4pm for community event listings, particularly for positive youth events. Finally, radio stations need to sponsor & broadcast dialogues at community high schools at least once a month. All these efforts will build community through dialogue and activism.
2. The panel on the annual State of the Black Union must be diversified by class and age. I know Tavis Smiley has interviewed a number of hip hoppers on his show, including Talib Kweli, Jill Scott, Common, Chuck D, KRS-One, Nas, Queen Latifah, and Saul Williams. Last year, given the emphasis on Katrina, it would have been beneficial to include on the panel someone like David Banner, or Kanye West, or community activists like Rosa Clemente or Fred Hampton Jr. (who organized community level Katrina relief efforts).
Hip hop needs to be represented for the annual State of the Black Union to have legitimacy. So I hope this message make its way to organizers and the oversight from last year will be remedied this year. All classes of our community need to be heard as well. At last year's forum, two Katrina survivors were brought on stage and given a couple minutes to discuss their experiences. Why was this brother and sister not invited to sit on the panel and add their perspectives to the dialogue? As long as activist do not respect the intellect of the most oppressed among us (poor and working class), and activists and leaders preach to the community they wish to uplift, instead of working with and learning from the community they wish to uplift, there will be no sustainable change.
3. Rappers and Media Program Producers: Stop using the n-word and derogatory words like bitch for women on records and other media forms. Substitute these with words like brotha, sista, and fam(ily), etc.. I realize that erasing a word that has a 400 year history in the vernacular of the Black community is not going to happen anytime soon. The masses in day to day speech will continue to use it, but people that put out products that must be edited and packaged before sale have the ability to be much more selective in what they put out there. Leading by this example will make a difference in our youth's psyche. We already have proof of that. When Public Enemy and other rap groups wore the X caps and African medallions in the late 80s and early 90s, the masses followed their example, and the consciousness of the people grew.
4.Community Policing. All oppressed communities should adopt the Black Panther model of community policing. Police watch organizations like the Ella Baker Center in Oakland, CA have had success in keeping the police (who are sworn to protect and serve the community) accountable. On top of this, community policing will counter the power that destructive entities (violence, drugs, delinquencies) have on our community youth. Be visible and be engaged.
This list is a start. It is in no way definitive, but it will bring sustainable community change if each and every one of us acts on suggestions listed (and others). The reason I focus on sustainable change is because our history shows us that we are very capable of big movements (Abolition, U.N.I.A., Civil Rights, Black Power), but what we have not been able to do as yet is sustain these progressive movements. To sustain them, we need continual people power and community involvement. Micro level activism can off set macro level power imbalances.
Sustainable change will take more than just vision for a better tomorrow; it will take reconciliation with the past and acceptance of the present reality. The reality is that social structure rules our lives. And like the entire natural world, humans must adapt to survive whatever structural conditions they must bear, and today that entails an uneven distribution of resources where 6% control most and 94% have little. When we reconcile with this reality, we can move to build solutions, based on "what is" instead of "what ifs".
So while the Panthers tried to build consciousness they also served the community with hot meals and health care. Bob Marley inspired souljahs across the globe, but those in most need in his native country, he gave food and shelter to daily. It is the only way to liberation: people must live before they can grow in consciousness and self determination, and each of us can take these specific actions to help our fellow beings live, learn and grow, both physically and consciously. Through self determination, we can free ourselves from dependency on a system that has never, and will never, serve us well. So for the New Year, I offer this list of specific actions individuals and communities can adopt, and if we follow it and work together to build on it, we can finally move the crowd…to freedom. One love.
v One God! One Aim! One Destiny! –
Marcus Garvey and the UNIA
v Someday at Christmas, there'll be no wars....When we have learned what Christmas is for...When we have found what life's really worth, there'll be peace on Earth –
Stevie Wonder
I also really liked this article by my man Jeff Liles on the true death of the album. Jeff is one of my REAL FOLKS FOR REAL. So hit the link and give it a read.
Also I plan on doing a short, unexciting look back at 2006 before 2007 sometime. Also, tonight on Damage Control we will have a special James Brown tribute mix by DJ Chill and some other shit I am sure.
Anyway, this is by Kristine Wright, a voice that needs to be heard.
Hit on the regular for the real.
Rise up Hip Hop Nation: Making 2007 the Year of Sustainable Change
by Kristine Wright (Tina)
On the eve of a new year, I'd like to begin by offering peace and respect to everyone everywhere. While many are celebrating the holiday season, many more are suffering. Some are reflecting on the year gone by, while others are just praying the New Year will bring new possibilities for joy, peace, sustenance and justice. This is the time of year for reflection on the past and resolutions for the future. For me, this annual process led me to important questions. How can we make 2007 the year of sustainable change? What concrete steps can we take to address what ails our communities and our global village more broadly? Wherever we are in life, whether blessed or oppressed, affluent or struggling, the condition of the global village will directly affect us all sooner or later, and it is in our best interest to work towards sustainable change.
The first thing we must do is realize that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We can no longer wish for better and act the same, maintaining status quo by default. To get out of the hell that corporate greed, concentrated power, western imperialism, religious fanaticism, and "ideology over reality" have created, we must get specific about what it will take to realize people power. It is not enough to be compassionate, you must act (14th Dalai Lama, 1992). And here are a few specific things you can do:
1. Pick one local issue and one global issue that you will educate your self about and stay informed!
2. Join two organizations that deal with your issues of choice (feel free to email me if you need some suggestions).
3. Mentor one child (For parents, mentor your children fully and completely). For childless adults (21+), mentor a child at your local school, Boys/Girls Club, or Big Brother/Big Sister organizations. Each One Teach One; Each One Reach One.
4. Sign at least one petition a month. Activism in the digital age is much easier than in previous ages, and it is easier to stay informed via the internet and email. For those that do not have internet access at home, utilize your city's public library.
5. Recognizing that all media is framed (left/right, conservative/liberal), get your news from multiple media sources. By doing this, you will learn to separate facts from ideology.
6. Attend three community meetings or rallies a year or volunteer at community service centers at least three times a year. Getting involved in your community will lead to changes on the community level which will manifest on the global level eventually.
7. Be a conscious consumer. It's a simple as this: support what you believe helps your community, reject what does not.
8. Vote. Whether the system works or doesn't; whether elections are stolen or not. Too many of our forefather and foremothers died to give us the right to vote, and for no other reason than that, we need to honor that right. I strongly recommend all, particularly full time workers, consider absentee voting (this way you don't have to worry about making it to the polls on the day of the election). Visit your state's Secretary of the State page to register to vote and/or sign up as an absentee voter. Voting is easy and doesn't cost to do, but it might cost greatly when we do not. Do not buy into the idea that two evils are the same. There is no more striking example than the Iraq war to disprove this belief. I know if the 2000 election resulted in President Gore instead of Bush, we would not have hundred of thousands of dead Iraqis and thousands of dead and wounded service people. As well, global warming, and science in general, would be taken much more seriously. Voting may not directly affect your community but not voting could. To directly affect your community, it takes activism by community members and this list hopefully provides some guidance.
9. Make a sincere effort to communicate across class, color and generational lines. Most of what ails our community could be fixed with honest, open dialogue. With this we could overcome the internal divisions that separate us, and unity could be realized.
10. FORGIVE. No sustainable change will be possible until we develop the ability to be critical but forgiving, unyielding on principle but yielding on people and humanity. Mistakes have been made but if we let our mistakes keep us divided, it will impede our progress. We have to embrace our mutual interests and avoid getting clogged down in our differences. A community divided is a community conquered indeed. I challenge those in conflict to take time to dialogue on what divides us (hip hop v. civil rights generation, mainstream v. underground, rapper v. rapper, bourgeois v. proletariat) and find common ground to work together on. Sustainable change will require that brothers and sisters reconcile with our humanity, and forgive past (as well as future) shortfalls and indiscretions.
It is in human nature to be self-preserving, even at the expense of our progress at times. Informants have sold out movements for personal reward – and will again; some leaders have played politics at the community's expense for power – and continue to; brothers and sisters have disrespected themselves and their ancestors through some thoughtless actions (and even profit from some of this in hip hop). Our inability to forgive one another's trespasses will be our biggest impediment toward self determination. While I believe critical analysis of people that hurt our cause is essential, making criticism of others our primary focus makes it that more difficult to find common ground and unify around common interests. In the words of Iyanla Vanzant, Be against nothing…just be clear what you are for.
Here are a few things I'd like to see happen on an institutional level:
1. Black media needs to step up and serve the community, not exploit it. I see great room for this right now because it seems that commercial "urban" radio is at a crossroads. The music industry in general, and the hip hop industry, in particular, will never be the same, due to many things: the digital age being one of the major reasons. Hip Hop radio is struggling these days. It is the perfect time for radio to get innovative and diversify its play lists. It's obvious that the listening community is finally grown weary of the same ole' same ole'. What is needed is a more representative and balanced vision of hip hop. But even more than that, the media needs to inform listeners of issues that affect their lives. I see some success of that happening with national syndicated programs like the Michael Baisden Show (which is creating a community of 50+ heavily populated Black cities across the country every weekday and discussing some important issues that affect the community). As well, he has given airtime for everyday community organizers and entrepreneurs to promote their events and businesses. This is a good model to embrace.
Hip hop stations need to give quality time to issues important to the hip hop community. I'd like to see commercial stations like K-DAY (in L.A. and streaming worldwide) give a primetime 30 minute spot weekdays, and an hour weekend spot to this type of broadcast. Davey D's Breakdown FM Radio provides a great model. I'd also like to see 5 minute spots @ 4pm for community event listings, particularly for positive youth events. Finally, radio stations need to sponsor & broadcast dialogues at community high schools at least once a month. All these efforts will build community through dialogue and activism.
2. The panel on the annual State of the Black Union must be diversified by class and age. I know Tavis Smiley has interviewed a number of hip hoppers on his show, including Talib Kweli, Jill Scott, Common, Chuck D, KRS-One, Nas, Queen Latifah, and Saul Williams. Last year, given the emphasis on Katrina, it would have been beneficial to include on the panel someone like David Banner, or Kanye West, or community activists like Rosa Clemente or Fred Hampton Jr. (who organized community level Katrina relief efforts).
Hip hop needs to be represented for the annual State of the Black Union to have legitimacy. So I hope this message make its way to organizers and the oversight from last year will be remedied this year. All classes of our community need to be heard as well. At last year's forum, two Katrina survivors were brought on stage and given a couple minutes to discuss their experiences. Why was this brother and sister not invited to sit on the panel and add their perspectives to the dialogue? As long as activist do not respect the intellect of the most oppressed among us (poor and working class), and activists and leaders preach to the community they wish to uplift, instead of working with and learning from the community they wish to uplift, there will be no sustainable change.
3. Rappers and Media Program Producers: Stop using the n-word and derogatory words like bitch for women on records and other media forms. Substitute these with words like brotha, sista, and fam(ily), etc.. I realize that erasing a word that has a 400 year history in the vernacular of the Black community is not going to happen anytime soon. The masses in day to day speech will continue to use it, but people that put out products that must be edited and packaged before sale have the ability to be much more selective in what they put out there. Leading by this example will make a difference in our youth's psyche. We already have proof of that. When Public Enemy and other rap groups wore the X caps and African medallions in the late 80s and early 90s, the masses followed their example, and the consciousness of the people grew.
4.Community Policing. All oppressed communities should adopt the Black Panther model of community policing. Police watch organizations like the Ella Baker Center in Oakland, CA have had success in keeping the police (who are sworn to protect and serve the community) accountable. On top of this, community policing will counter the power that destructive entities (violence, drugs, delinquencies) have on our community youth. Be visible and be engaged.
This list is a start. It is in no way definitive, but it will bring sustainable community change if each and every one of us acts on suggestions listed (and others). The reason I focus on sustainable change is because our history shows us that we are very capable of big movements (Abolition, U.N.I.A., Civil Rights, Black Power), but what we have not been able to do as yet is sustain these progressive movements. To sustain them, we need continual people power and community involvement. Micro level activism can off set macro level power imbalances.
Sustainable change will take more than just vision for a better tomorrow; it will take reconciliation with the past and acceptance of the present reality. The reality is that social structure rules our lives. And like the entire natural world, humans must adapt to survive whatever structural conditions they must bear, and today that entails an uneven distribution of resources where 6% control most and 94% have little. When we reconcile with this reality, we can move to build solutions, based on "what is" instead of "what ifs".
So while the Panthers tried to build consciousness they also served the community with hot meals and health care. Bob Marley inspired souljahs across the globe, but those in most need in his native country, he gave food and shelter to daily. It is the only way to liberation: people must live before they can grow in consciousness and self determination, and each of us can take these specific actions to help our fellow beings live, learn and grow, both physically and consciously. Through self determination, we can free ourselves from dependency on a system that has never, and will never, serve us well. So for the New Year, I offer this list of specific actions individuals and communities can adopt, and if we follow it and work together to build on it, we can finally move the crowd…to freedom. One love.
v One God! One Aim! One Destiny! –
Marcus Garvey and the UNIA
v Someday at Christmas, there'll be no wars....When we have learned what Christmas is for...When we have found what life's really worth, there'll be peace on Earth –
Stevie Wonder
I also really liked this article by my man Jeff Liles on the true death of the album. Jeff is one of my REAL FOLKS FOR REAL. So hit the link and give it a read.
Also I plan on doing a short, unexciting look back at 2006 before 2007 sometime. Also, tonight on Damage Control we will have a special James Brown tribute mix by DJ Chill and some other shit I am sure.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I Need 20,000
Hits. In the next week. I gotta hit a million hits by 200Devin. Can anyone out there help me? Let your people know we got a free Devin track, a Christmas mix and randy photos of wanton women scattered throughout. I guess it doesn't really matter but it would be nice to roll this bitch over to a million just as the new year sets in.
2007 > 2006 (and 2006 was pretty good for me).
Merry Christmas Y'all!
2007 > 2006 (and 2006 was pretty good for me).
Merry Christmas Y'all!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Nace la Wiki Zombie
Pues andaba echandole un vistazo a un blog que he descubierto hoy gracias a un post en abandomoviez, cuando en uno de sus enlaces descubro que ellos mismos han creado (estan empezando) la Wiki Zombie , que según ellos mismos se presentan:
Esta wiki nace el 12 de Diciembre del 2006 como una humilde iniciativa del blog 150% Zombie!. El objetivo que nos proponemos es sencillo; con las herramientas que nos ofrece la red pretendemos crear una base de datos sobre todo lo referente al mundo fantástico de los zombies, no-muertos o muertos vivientes. Sabemos que no es una empresa sencilla ni mucho menos, pero tenemos grandes bazas a nuestro favor: tenemos ilusión, ganas, ideas, sabemos que no estamos solos y esperamos que mucha gente que comparta esta afición forme parte de nuestra iniciativa, de la Wiki Zombie (WZ).
Además, ésta wiki servirá como guía de supervivencia para las nuevas generaciones, para que puedan resistir frente a la invasión zombie que se avecina sobre nosotros de forma inexorable.
pues nada, os deseo mogollón de suerte, y espero poder ampliar parte de esa enciclopedia libre dedicado al mundo de los nomuertos
Esta wiki nace el 12 de Diciembre del 2006 como una humilde iniciativa del blog 150% Zombie!. El objetivo que nos proponemos es sencillo; con las herramientas que nos ofrece la red pretendemos crear una base de datos sobre todo lo referente al mundo fantástico de los zombies, no-muertos o muertos vivientes. Sabemos que no es una empresa sencilla ni mucho menos, pero tenemos grandes bazas a nuestro favor: tenemos ilusión, ganas, ideas, sabemos que no estamos solos y esperamos que mucha gente que comparta esta afición forme parte de nuestra iniciativa, de la Wiki Zombie (WZ).
Además, ésta wiki servirá como guía de supervivencia para las nuevas generaciones, para que puedan resistir frente a la invasión zombie que se avecina sobre nosotros de forma inexorable.
pues nada, os deseo mogollón de suerte, y espero poder ampliar parte de esa enciclopedia libre dedicado al mundo de los nomuertos
Finna pop a couple pictures up in a few but I wanted to make sure yall had this on yer mp3 playas before you hit the road for that holiday people seem to love so much this time of year and such.
I love it too. Keep yer head up and your belly full if possible this weekend and show somebody some semblence of love for once in your life you heathens.
I love it too. Keep yer head up and your belly full if possible this weekend and show somebody some semblence of love for once in your life you heathens.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Smoke City
Smoke City

Dirección: Eduardo Martín/Mario Tarradas
Productores: Albert Planas/Francisco García
Música: Carles fontova-Only You
3D: Victor Fernández/Edu Martín/Mario Tarradas
En Smoke City, hogar de cigarros, puros y mecheritos y demas enseres de fumar perdidos, se ha encontrado el cadaver de Joe "El Cenizas" , un agente de policia infiltrado en la banda del mafioso mas famoso de la ciudad;Al Zipone
El detective Phillip Morris y su compañero Pete O'Farien serán los encargados del caso y junto a ellos descubriremos hasta donde huele a quemado en Smoke City

Direct download:

Dirección: Eduardo Martín/Mario Tarradas
Productores: Albert Planas/Francisco García
Música: Carles fontova-Only You
3D: Victor Fernández/Edu Martín/Mario Tarradas
En Smoke City, hogar de cigarros, puros y mecheritos y demas enseres de fumar perdidos, se ha encontrado el cadaver de Joe "El Cenizas" , un agente de policia infiltrado en la banda del mafioso mas famoso de la ciudad;Al Zipone
El detective Phillip Morris y su compañero Pete O'Farien serán los encargados del caso y junto a ellos descubriremos hasta donde huele a quemado en Smoke City

Direct download:
Venga, otro corto de animación, directamente desde miniFILMS:

Language : Spanish
Sinopsis: Conducido por las palabras de un viejo hombre, atestiguaremos el acontecimiento extraordinario que cambió la vida de una aldea olvidada en medio de la niebla.
Proyecto final de Máster en Animación del IDEC-UPF dirigido y animado por Emilio Ramos. Guión de Emilio Ramos, María del Mar Hernández y Jordi Codina. El narrador es de Josep Codina. Producido por Producciones Atotonilco y UPF Barcelona. Primer premio Art Futura 2006 al mejor corto de animación 3D.
Descarga Directa MOV:
Ed2k Link AVI: Niebla (Emilio Ramos) [Corto Animacion][].avi

Language : Spanish
Sinopsis: Conducido por las palabras de un viejo hombre, atestiguaremos el acontecimiento extraordinario que cambió la vida de una aldea olvidada en medio de la niebla.
Proyecto final de Máster en Animación del IDEC-UPF dirigido y animado por Emilio Ramos. Guión de Emilio Ramos, María del Mar Hernández y Jordi Codina. El narrador es de Josep Codina. Producido por Producciones Atotonilco y UPF Barcelona. Primer premio Art Futura 2006 al mejor corto de animación 3D.
Descarga Directa MOV:
Ed2k Link AVI: Niebla (Emilio Ramos) [Corto Animacion][].avi
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Mundo Cadaver
Tenía esta entrada como borrador desde hace ya unos meses (cuando andaba cón problemas con mi proveedor de internet) y se me paso totalmente 
Es una lástima, sí, es una lástima que Mundo Cadaver (Apocalipsis Zombie) nos haya dejado colgados sín conocer el final de la historia, pero bueno, esta en su derecho a hacer cón su creatividad lo que le plazca, pero despues de meses siguiendo y esperando una nueva entrega día tras día, completamente enganchados a una historia de zombies realmente buena, es una lastima que haya decidido vender su historia a una editorial y que esta vaya a ser editada en formato de libro... Bueno, que editen el libro no es la lástima, ya que much@s acabaremos comprandolo, la lástima es que nos hayamos podido conocer el final, y estemos totalmente colgados
Según el propio autor nos falta por conocer más o menos el 20% de la historía y es más , ha prometido comenzar a escribir de nuevo en su blog la 2ª parte ... pero, la acabará? o también quedaremos colgados?
Que conste que yo y estoy seguro que much@s hubieramos comprado el libro aún habiendo leído la historia completa, pero la editorial obliga
Pero que es Mundo Cadaver? os estareís preguntando
Mundo Cadaver es una historia contada en forma de diario sobre un posible holocausto zombie. Un abogado gallego y su gato intentan sobrevivir en un mundo plagado de zombies

Mundo Cadaver no es un Blog cualquiera, en el se narra por capítulos una espeluznante historia de No-Muertos que te enganchará desde el principio haciendote regresar cada día para ver cómo continua desarrollandose la trama. Lo mas interesante es que se trata de una historia abierta y los lectores se llegan a involucrar tanto que pueden aportar su granito de arena creando historias paralelas que enriquecen aún mas la trama. Asi pues tenemos a gente de todo el estado reportando la situacion de su zona a tiempo real, es decir no es una historia, pueden llegar a ser miles, realmente es impresionante y engancha.
Para muestra aquí os dejo unos fragmentos de la historia, como empieza y como continua varios dias despues, podis comenzar a leerlo, os aseguro que os enganchará, pero también os aviso que para conocer grán parte del final debereís esperar a que salga el libro
30 December 2005 @ 01:15 pm
viernes, 30 de diciembre Dia 1
Hoy va a ser un día de locos. Esta mañana cuando me he levantado llovía copiosamente,y lo seguía haciendo mientras me preparaba una taza de café. Con el sonido de las noticias de la radio de fondo me he pegado una ducha.
Siempre lo mismo. Que si España se rompe, que si no se rompe, que si esto, que si aquello... y yo hoy tengo una reunión que puede suponer la diferencia entre que los próximos seis meses pueda vivir como un marqués, o me vea obligado a estar peleandome con unos accionistas que no tienen ni idea de lo que realmente les conviene. Es su dinero, no el mio, lo se, pero si la fusión se lleva a cabo, mis honorarios me permitirían tomarme los proximos meses con mucha mas calma. Necesito descansar, coger mi zodiac y irme a hacer un poco de submarinismo en la Ria....
Mientras bebía la taza de cafe he estado mirando por la ventana que da al jardín. Esta casa fue un acierto desde un principio, aunque no puedo evitar que, de momento, muchas cosas aun me recuerden a ella. fue ella quien la eligió, quien decidió como decorarla, quien...bueno eso ahora da igual.
El jardín esta verde, humedo, frondoso, descuidado. Lleva lloviendo sobre Galicia desde hace tres semanas sin parar, y la humedad se cuela por todas partes. Dentro de poco tendré que cortar el cesped y limpiar las tapias del jardín. Eso tambien fue una decisión suya, que la casa tuviera esos altos muros de piedra a su alrededor y por los que ahora chorrean regueros de agua. Necesitamos privacidad, decia... Ahora que no está, a mi me da la sensación de estar viviendo en una fortaleza.
Me he ajustado la corbata, agarrado el maletín y apagado la radio. El locutor estaba comentando la explosiva situación en una de esas ex-republicas sovieticas del Caucaso con un nombre acabado en -an. Por lo visto, un grupo de rebeldes estaba asaltando instalaciones militares donde estaban acantonadas tropas rusas, o algo por el estilo.
Demasiada sangre. Apagué la radio y ahora voy a hacer lo mismo con el PC. Continuaré el diario por la noche... Ahí vamos.!! ....
17 January 2006 @ 06:42 pm
Pues ya está.Oficialmente, estamos jodidos. A las 15:00 horas de hoy ha salido de nuevo el Rey en televisión anunciando que se decretaba la Ley Marcial en todo el territorio español. Se confirma el toque de queda de 20 a 8 horas, con la salvedad de que ahora, a quien pillen fuera entre esas horas corre el riesgo de que le peguen un tiro. Así de claro.Se prohiben los desplazamientos por carretera entre Comunidades Autonomas, y se instalan check-points del ejercito en las principales vías. Una lista de quince ciudades han sido declaradas zonas de riesgo y no se permite ni la entrada ni la salida de las mismas. Están en la lista todas aquellas en las que hubo brotes de la epidemia y nueve más. Madrid y Barcelona están entre ellas.....confío en que mi hermana adelantase sus planes y haya salido ya de la ciudad. Joder.
De momento, Pontevedra se salva de la quema, pero no se por cuanto tiempo. Ferrol y Coruña a menos de 160 kilometros, son "Zonas de Riesgo" y en teoría están aisladas. Sin embargo un amigo mio que vive en Coruña me acaba de llamar de camino a la casa de sus padres, en Vigo. Dice que ha podido salir de la ciudad por carreteras secundarias y pistas forestales. Resulta materialmente imposible aislar una ciudad de tamaño medio y ya no digamos una gran urbe. La plaga va a llegar aquí, sea lo que sea. Debería hacer algo, pero no se me ocurre nada.
Me he subido al coche y me he dirigido hacia el centro. Las calles presentan un aspecto semivacio; parece una ciudad sitiada. Está lloviendo sin parar desde hace horas y se respira un ambiente de intranquilidad en las calles.Hace mucho frio. En todo el trayecto me he cruzado con varios coches patrulla de la policia, y con un par de transportes de la BRILAT. Los cuarteles de la Brigada Ligera Aerotransportable (BRILAT) están situados a tan solo tres kilometros de Pontevedra. Llevan años allí, pero nunca había visto tropas estacionadas en el centro de la ciudad hasta hoy.
He parado en una estación de servicio para llenar el depósito del coche.Mientras estaba en el surtidor de diesel con mi Astra, he entrado en la tienda a comprar tabaco, unos cuantos periodicos y revistas y un bidón de aceite (Tenía que haber revisado el nivel del coche hace una semana...joder!!). Mientras pagaba todo, el dependiente me comentó que había problemas de suministro en algunas estaciones de servicio, sobre todo en aquellas mas aisladas. Al estar los puertos cerrados, las refinerías han parado su producción y el gobierno ha militarizado las reservas existentes. Genial.
Después he ido hasta el Carrefour para hacer una buena compra. Algo me dice que llenar a tope mi despensa puede ser una excelente idea, tal y como se están poniendo las cosas. Me he llevado una sorpresa al ver que el supermercado estaba abarrotado. Mas de uno ha tenido la misma idea que yo. En una de las tiendas de electrónica y hogar del exterior del supermercado me he comprado una radio de onda ultracorta con un dial de barrido. Le tenía echado el ojo hace tiempo. Con ella tenía pensado poder oir el canal de la Guardia Civil de Mar cuando saliese con la zodiac a bucear en el pecio del Florita (es el casco de un buque naufragado hace años en la Ria. Su estado es muy peligroso y está prohibido bajar allí ; si te pillan te meten una fuerte multa y te pueden anular la licencia, pero merece la pena). Ahora pretendo darle otro uso bien distinto.
Al llegar a casa he cepillado a Lúculo y le he dado una cena suculenta. Después he probado la radio. Al cabo de un rato he localizado la frecuencia de la Policia Nacional y de la Policia Municipal. Perfecto. Puede que ahora tenga información de primera. También he captado a unos cuantos radioaficionados, pero no les he prestado mucha atención, ya que me he quedado helado viendo el televisor.
Son imagenes de EEUU, tomadas desde un helicóptero. Es un embotellamiento en una autopista.De repente, unas dos docenas de personas tambaleantes han aparecido andando por un lateral de la vía y han empezado a atacar a los conductores atrapados en sus vehiculos. La escena es horrible. Dura menos de un minuto, pero me ha dejado temblando, juraría que he visto como mordían a los conductores Es imposible..¿que le pasa a esas personas?.
Alguien ha abierto la puerta del infierno y ya se empieza a notar el calor.
Aquí teneis la 1ª entrada:

Es una lástima, sí, es una lástima que Mundo Cadaver (Apocalipsis Zombie) nos haya dejado colgados sín conocer el final de la historia, pero bueno, esta en su derecho a hacer cón su creatividad lo que le plazca, pero despues de meses siguiendo y esperando una nueva entrega día tras día, completamente enganchados a una historia de zombies realmente buena, es una lastima que haya decidido vender su historia a una editorial y que esta vaya a ser editada en formato de libro... Bueno, que editen el libro no es la lástima, ya que much@s acabaremos comprandolo, la lástima es que nos hayamos podido conocer el final, y estemos totalmente colgados
Según el propio autor nos falta por conocer más o menos el 20% de la historía y es más , ha prometido comenzar a escribir de nuevo en su blog la 2ª parte ... pero, la acabará? o también quedaremos colgados?
Que conste que yo y estoy seguro que much@s hubieramos comprado el libro aún habiendo leído la historia completa, pero la editorial obliga
Pero que es Mundo Cadaver? os estareís preguntando
Mundo Cadaver es una historia contada en forma de diario sobre un posible holocausto zombie. Un abogado gallego y su gato intentan sobrevivir en un mundo plagado de zombies

Mundo Cadaver no es un Blog cualquiera, en el se narra por capítulos una espeluznante historia de No-Muertos que te enganchará desde el principio haciendote regresar cada día para ver cómo continua desarrollandose la trama. Lo mas interesante es que se trata de una historia abierta y los lectores se llegan a involucrar tanto que pueden aportar su granito de arena creando historias paralelas que enriquecen aún mas la trama. Asi pues tenemos a gente de todo el estado reportando la situacion de su zona a tiempo real, es decir no es una historia, pueden llegar a ser miles, realmente es impresionante y engancha.
Para muestra aquí os dejo unos fragmentos de la historia, como empieza y como continua varios dias despues, podis comenzar a leerlo, os aseguro que os enganchará, pero también os aviso que para conocer grán parte del final debereís esperar a que salga el libro
30 December 2005 @ 01:15 pm
viernes, 30 de diciembre Dia 1
Hoy va a ser un día de locos. Esta mañana cuando me he levantado llovía copiosamente,y lo seguía haciendo mientras me preparaba una taza de café. Con el sonido de las noticias de la radio de fondo me he pegado una ducha.
Siempre lo mismo. Que si España se rompe, que si no se rompe, que si esto, que si aquello... y yo hoy tengo una reunión que puede suponer la diferencia entre que los próximos seis meses pueda vivir como un marqués, o me vea obligado a estar peleandome con unos accionistas que no tienen ni idea de lo que realmente les conviene. Es su dinero, no el mio, lo se, pero si la fusión se lleva a cabo, mis honorarios me permitirían tomarme los proximos meses con mucha mas calma. Necesito descansar, coger mi zodiac y irme a hacer un poco de submarinismo en la Ria....
Mientras bebía la taza de cafe he estado mirando por la ventana que da al jardín. Esta casa fue un acierto desde un principio, aunque no puedo evitar que, de momento, muchas cosas aun me recuerden a ella. fue ella quien la eligió, quien decidió como decorarla, quien...bueno eso ahora da igual.
El jardín esta verde, humedo, frondoso, descuidado. Lleva lloviendo sobre Galicia desde hace tres semanas sin parar, y la humedad se cuela por todas partes. Dentro de poco tendré que cortar el cesped y limpiar las tapias del jardín. Eso tambien fue una decisión suya, que la casa tuviera esos altos muros de piedra a su alrededor y por los que ahora chorrean regueros de agua. Necesitamos privacidad, decia... Ahora que no está, a mi me da la sensación de estar viviendo en una fortaleza.
Me he ajustado la corbata, agarrado el maletín y apagado la radio. El locutor estaba comentando la explosiva situación en una de esas ex-republicas sovieticas del Caucaso con un nombre acabado en -an. Por lo visto, un grupo de rebeldes estaba asaltando instalaciones militares donde estaban acantonadas tropas rusas, o algo por el estilo.
Demasiada sangre. Apagué la radio y ahora voy a hacer lo mismo con el PC. Continuaré el diario por la noche... Ahí vamos.!! ....
17 January 2006 @ 06:42 pm
Pues ya está.Oficialmente, estamos jodidos. A las 15:00 horas de hoy ha salido de nuevo el Rey en televisión anunciando que se decretaba la Ley Marcial en todo el territorio español. Se confirma el toque de queda de 20 a 8 horas, con la salvedad de que ahora, a quien pillen fuera entre esas horas corre el riesgo de que le peguen un tiro. Así de claro.Se prohiben los desplazamientos por carretera entre Comunidades Autonomas, y se instalan check-points del ejercito en las principales vías. Una lista de quince ciudades han sido declaradas zonas de riesgo y no se permite ni la entrada ni la salida de las mismas. Están en la lista todas aquellas en las que hubo brotes de la epidemia y nueve más. Madrid y Barcelona están entre ellas.....confío en que mi hermana adelantase sus planes y haya salido ya de la ciudad. Joder.
De momento, Pontevedra se salva de la quema, pero no se por cuanto tiempo. Ferrol y Coruña a menos de 160 kilometros, son "Zonas de Riesgo" y en teoría están aisladas. Sin embargo un amigo mio que vive en Coruña me acaba de llamar de camino a la casa de sus padres, en Vigo. Dice que ha podido salir de la ciudad por carreteras secundarias y pistas forestales. Resulta materialmente imposible aislar una ciudad de tamaño medio y ya no digamos una gran urbe. La plaga va a llegar aquí, sea lo que sea. Debería hacer algo, pero no se me ocurre nada.
Me he subido al coche y me he dirigido hacia el centro. Las calles presentan un aspecto semivacio; parece una ciudad sitiada. Está lloviendo sin parar desde hace horas y se respira un ambiente de intranquilidad en las calles.Hace mucho frio. En todo el trayecto me he cruzado con varios coches patrulla de la policia, y con un par de transportes de la BRILAT. Los cuarteles de la Brigada Ligera Aerotransportable (BRILAT) están situados a tan solo tres kilometros de Pontevedra. Llevan años allí, pero nunca había visto tropas estacionadas en el centro de la ciudad hasta hoy.
He parado en una estación de servicio para llenar el depósito del coche.Mientras estaba en el surtidor de diesel con mi Astra, he entrado en la tienda a comprar tabaco, unos cuantos periodicos y revistas y un bidón de aceite (Tenía que haber revisado el nivel del coche hace una semana...joder!!). Mientras pagaba todo, el dependiente me comentó que había problemas de suministro en algunas estaciones de servicio, sobre todo en aquellas mas aisladas. Al estar los puertos cerrados, las refinerías han parado su producción y el gobierno ha militarizado las reservas existentes. Genial.
Después he ido hasta el Carrefour para hacer una buena compra. Algo me dice que llenar a tope mi despensa puede ser una excelente idea, tal y como se están poniendo las cosas. Me he llevado una sorpresa al ver que el supermercado estaba abarrotado. Mas de uno ha tenido la misma idea que yo. En una de las tiendas de electrónica y hogar del exterior del supermercado me he comprado una radio de onda ultracorta con un dial de barrido. Le tenía echado el ojo hace tiempo. Con ella tenía pensado poder oir el canal de la Guardia Civil de Mar cuando saliese con la zodiac a bucear en el pecio del Florita (es el casco de un buque naufragado hace años en la Ria. Su estado es muy peligroso y está prohibido bajar allí ; si te pillan te meten una fuerte multa y te pueden anular la licencia, pero merece la pena). Ahora pretendo darle otro uso bien distinto.
Al llegar a casa he cepillado a Lúculo y le he dado una cena suculenta. Después he probado la radio. Al cabo de un rato he localizado la frecuencia de la Policia Nacional y de la Policia Municipal. Perfecto. Puede que ahora tenga información de primera. También he captado a unos cuantos radioaficionados, pero no les he prestado mucha atención, ya que me he quedado helado viendo el televisor.
Son imagenes de EEUU, tomadas desde un helicóptero. Es un embotellamiento en una autopista.De repente, unas dos docenas de personas tambaleantes han aparecido andando por un lateral de la vía y han empezado a atacar a los conductores atrapados en sus vehiculos. La escena es horrible. Dura menos de un minuto, pero me ha dejado temblando, juraría que he visto como mordían a los conductores Es imposible..¿que le pasa a esas personas?.
Alguien ha abierto la puerta del infierno y ya se empieza a notar el calor.
Aquí teneis la 1ª entrada:
APOCALIPSIS ZOMBIE - December 30th, 2005
Monstruos Diabolicos
He encontrado un blog dedicado exclusivamente a una curiosa colección, se llama:
Monstruos Diabolicos
Una horrenda colección de cromos directamente desde los años 80
Y esto es una muestra de lo que podies encontrar, hasta 80 piezas de coleccionista
Monstruos Diabolicos
Una horrenda colección de cromos directamente desde los años 80
Y esto es una muestra de lo que podies encontrar, hasta 80 piezas de coleccionista
Los tres cerditos y la cena
En estos días tán señalados me apetece enormemente contaros el cuento del lobo feroz y los tres cerditos, aunque un poco cambiado, eso sí 
Aunque no voy a ser yo quién os lo cuente sino esta animación de apenas 3 MB
Direct Download: Los tres cerditos y la cena
English : here

Aunque no voy a ser yo quién os lo cuente sino esta animación de apenas 3 MB
Direct Download: Los tres cerditos y la cena
English : here
Zombies(Juego de mesa)
Todavia juegas al monopoly o al Risk?, seguro que esto te va a encantar:
Tu corazón late con fuerza y te cuesta respirar. Los zombies están por todas partes y parecen empeñados en convertirte en su almuerzo.
Si te interesa comprarlo y no lo encuentras en librerias o jugueterias especializadas, puedes encontralo aquí, y en esta otra tienes además extensiones para el juego, entre otro mogollón de cosas relacionadas cón los Zombies

Hay tantos que no sabes si los lentos pasos y los gemidos que se oyen provienen del fondo del pasillo o de la siguiente esquina. Lo que está claro es que te alcanzarán en breve, que ya casi no te quedan balas, y que tu suerte se ha terminado.
ZOMBIES!!! te sitúa en el corazón del horror, rodeado de hordas zombies de las que debes escapar. Los jugadores deben combinar astucia con músculos para ser el primero en llegar al helipuerto y huir. El único problema es que los zombies están por todas partes, parecen hambrientos, y que los demás supervivientes preferirían que te quedases atrás.
Este juego cuenta con un mapa modular de múltiples configuraciones y un verdadero ejército de muertos vivientes. Los jugadores se turnan para jugar fichas de mapa, situar zombies en el tablero, huir desesperadamente, luchar, y fastidiar en lo posible a sus adversarios en mitad del caos. Todo esto hace de Zombies!!! un juego diferente cada vez que lo juegas.
Zombies!!! contiene 30 fichas de mapa, un mazo de eventos de 50 cartas, 6 humanos, contadores de vida y munición, Y TAMBIÉN 100 zombies de plástico.
El helicóptero está a punto de despegar. ¿Lo conseguirás?
PRECAUCIÓN: La exposición prolongada a este producto puede causar necrobiosis, necrolatría, necrofagia y necrofilia.
ZOMBIES!!! te sitúa en el corazón del horror, rodeado de hordas zombies de las que debes escapar. Los jugadores deben combinar astucia con músculos para ser el primero en llegar al helipuerto y huir. El único problema es que los zombies están por todas partes, parecen hambrientos, y que los demás supervivientes preferirían que te quedases atrás.
Este juego cuenta con un mapa modular de múltiples configuraciones y un verdadero ejército de muertos vivientes. Los jugadores se turnan para jugar fichas de mapa, situar zombies en el tablero, huir desesperadamente, luchar, y fastidiar en lo posible a sus adversarios en mitad del caos. Todo esto hace de Zombies!!! un juego diferente cada vez que lo juegas.
Zombies!!! contiene 30 fichas de mapa, un mazo de eventos de 50 cartas, 6 humanos, contadores de vida y munición, Y TAMBIÉN 100 zombies de plástico.
El helicóptero está a punto de despegar. ¿Lo conseguirás?
PRECAUCIÓN: La exposición prolongada a este producto puede causar necrobiosis, necrolatría, necrofagia y necrofilia.
Si te interesa comprarlo y no lo encuentras en librerias o jugueterias especializadas, puedes encontralo aquí, y en esta otra tienes además extensiones para el juego, entre otro mogollón de cosas relacionadas cón los Zombies
Richmond Zombie Walk 2006
Retomando el tema de El día del Orgullo Zombie, aquí teneis una grabación de algo parecido que se hizo en Richmond el año pasado:
esta es la descripción:
this is my little edit for the 2nd Annual Richmond Zombie Walk through the streets of the city. more information at, (Si os interesa el tema, la página, o mejor, el foro es tope)
I filmed this all 'jumpy' since some of the zombies did not walk like zombies like the others did ... so I wanted to make it look more like there was more going on. also the fact that just filming zombies walking looks the same if you just keep doing it over and over. =o)
(I didnt realize it was going to be so grainy, but it is compressed down from a much cleaner larger version, so it looks this way after YouTube did their thing to it)
esta es la descripción:
this is my little edit for the 2nd Annual Richmond Zombie Walk through the streets of the city. more information at, (Si os interesa el tema, la página, o mejor, el foro es tope)
I filmed this all 'jumpy' since some of the zombies did not walk like zombies like the others did ... so I wanted to make it look more like there was more going on. also the fact that just filming zombies walking looks the same if you just keep doing it over and over. =o)
(I didnt realize it was going to be so grainy, but it is compressed down from a much cleaner larger version, so it looks this way after YouTube did their thing to it)
Monday, December 18, 2006

Mayne I didn't even know I was gonna have this one for you today but alas and alak I do!
This is a song that MIGHT be on the new Devin the Dude album Waiting to Inhale. It'll come out on Rap-A-Lot Records on March 13th and we are gonna have a HUGE release party for him at SXSW with special guests that you will not believe on March 14th.
2007 finna be this boys year for real.
The song is called "Treatin' Me Cold" and it was produced by Devin, Mike Dean and the Coughee Brothaz. It features Tony Mac of the Coughee Brothaz singing as well.
You are now REQUIRED to post a comment since I am giving you this exclusive lil gem right here. Lemme know what you think and hit up Devin's MySpace and let him know what you think.
Devin the Dude featuring Tony Mac - Treatin' Me Cold
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Día Del Orgullo Zombie
Acabo de recibir un email bástante interesante, os lo pego sín más ... bueno sí, una cosa... nos vemos el día 3 de Febrero en madRIP, no falteís
Los chicos del foro de estamos planificando una marcha de muertos vivientes el SÁBADO 3 DE FEBRERO del 2007 en MADRID, con motivo del Día del Orgullo Zombie, en conmemoración del cumpleaños de George A. Romero, que cumple 67 años el hombre.
El tito Romero es el creador de las películas de zombies que conocemos. Dirigió en 1968 la que ahora es todo un mito en el cine de terror, "La noche de los muertos vivientes", a la que le siguieron "Zombie (Dawn of the dead)" 10 años después y "El día de los muertos" en 1985. Sus películas han sido imitadas en multitud de ocasiones, inlcuso se han hecho "secuelas no oficiales", como es el caso de "El regreso de los muertos vivientes" en Estados Unidos y "Zombie 2" en Italia. También han habido remakes de su trilogía para una nueva generación: el técnico de efectos especiales de sangre y vísceras Tom Savini rodó en 1990 una nueva versión de "La noche de los muertos vivientes" bajo la supervisión del propio Romero; en 2004 Zack Snyder rodó "Amancer de los muertos", que no es otra cosa que un remake de "Zombie" con su título original; y alcualmente Steve Miner está rodando el remake de "El día de los muertos". Por su parte, Geroge A. Romero regresó en el 2005 con su cuarta película de zombies, "La tierra de los muertos vivientes", y ahora mismo está rodando su quinta, "El diario de los muetos", y planificando la secuela de "La tierra de mos muertos vivientes". Entre tanto título como os acabo de soltar, alguno os sonará, ¿no?
Pues como ya he dicho, para homenajear a este caballero vamos a delcarar el 4 de febero como Día del Orgullo Zombie, y el SÁBADO 3 DE FEBERO del 2007, un día antes, lo celebraremos apiñándonos en MADRID disfrazados de muertos vivientes y caminando por las calles como tales. Toda España está invitada, la única regla es ir disfrazado y además que el disfraz sea bueno, no una simple careta de goma (es preferible el maquillaje).
Mowy y yo aún estamos planificándolo, tenemos que pedir el permiso al Ayuntamiento de Madrid y aún no hemos determinado el itinerario que seguiremos y qué actividades realizaremos después. Si hay algún madrileño al que le entusiasme la idea nos vendría muy bien su ayuda, puedes agregarnos a cualquiera de los dos al Messenger.
De todas formas, siempre encontraréis información actualizada en esta dirección, no la perdáis. También si os queréis apuntar podéis dejar un comentario para indicarlo, así como plantar cualquier duda que tengáis. Además podéis ver el vídeo de una marcha de muertos vivientes que se hizo en Estados Unidos que nos inspiró para el Día del Orgullo Zombie, muy divertido.
Se trata de pasarlo bien un día, hacer un poco el ganso pero sin gamberradas. Imaginad cuando el tito Romero se entere de la azaña, a lo mejor nos coge como extras en una de sus películas.
No perdáis el contacto, pasad este e-mail a vuestros colegas, sobre todo si sabéis que son aficionados a este tipo de cine, y aunque no lo seais, apuntaos, ya veréis que risa cuando salgamos en los periódicos. Este año será en Madrid, pero otros años se podría hacer Barcelona, Sevilla, Valladolid y otras ciudades. Nuestro lema: ¡Vivan los muertos!
Los chicos del foro de estamos planificando una marcha de muertos vivientes el SÁBADO 3 DE FEBRERO del 2007 en MADRID, con motivo del Día del Orgullo Zombie, en conmemoración del cumpleaños de George A. Romero, que cumple 67 años el hombre.
El tito Romero es el creador de las películas de zombies que conocemos. Dirigió en 1968 la que ahora es todo un mito en el cine de terror, "La noche de los muertos vivientes", a la que le siguieron "Zombie (Dawn of the dead)" 10 años después y "El día de los muertos" en 1985. Sus películas han sido imitadas en multitud de ocasiones, inlcuso se han hecho "secuelas no oficiales", como es el caso de "El regreso de los muertos vivientes" en Estados Unidos y "Zombie 2" en Italia. También han habido remakes de su trilogía para una nueva generación: el técnico de efectos especiales de sangre y vísceras Tom Savini rodó en 1990 una nueva versión de "La noche de los muertos vivientes" bajo la supervisión del propio Romero; en 2004 Zack Snyder rodó "Amancer de los muertos", que no es otra cosa que un remake de "Zombie" con su título original; y alcualmente Steve Miner está rodando el remake de "El día de los muertos". Por su parte, Geroge A. Romero regresó en el 2005 con su cuarta película de zombies, "La tierra de los muertos vivientes", y ahora mismo está rodando su quinta, "El diario de los muetos", y planificando la secuela de "La tierra de mos muertos vivientes". Entre tanto título como os acabo de soltar, alguno os sonará, ¿no?
Pues como ya he dicho, para homenajear a este caballero vamos a delcarar el 4 de febero como Día del Orgullo Zombie, y el SÁBADO 3 DE FEBERO del 2007, un día antes, lo celebraremos apiñándonos en MADRID disfrazados de muertos vivientes y caminando por las calles como tales. Toda España está invitada, la única regla es ir disfrazado y además que el disfraz sea bueno, no una simple careta de goma (es preferible el maquillaje).
Mowy y yo aún estamos planificándolo, tenemos que pedir el permiso al Ayuntamiento de Madrid y aún no hemos determinado el itinerario que seguiremos y qué actividades realizaremos después. Si hay algún madrileño al que le entusiasme la idea nos vendría muy bien su ayuda, puedes agregarnos a cualquiera de los dos al Messenger.
De todas formas, siempre encontraréis información actualizada en esta dirección, no la perdáis. También si os queréis apuntar podéis dejar un comentario para indicarlo, así como plantar cualquier duda que tengáis. Además podéis ver el vídeo de una marcha de muertos vivientes que se hizo en Estados Unidos que nos inspiró para el Día del Orgullo Zombie, muy divertido.
Se trata de pasarlo bien un día, hacer un poco el ganso pero sin gamberradas. Imaginad cuando el tito Romero se entere de la azaña, a lo mejor nos coge como extras en una de sus películas.
No perdáis el contacto, pasad este e-mail a vuestros colegas, sobre todo si sabéis que son aficionados a este tipo de cine, y aunque no lo seais, apuntaos, ya veréis que risa cuando salgamos en los periódicos. Este año será en Madrid, pero otros años se podría hacer Barcelona, Sevilla, Valladolid y otras ciudades. Nuestro lema: ¡Vivan los muertos!
Certamen De Cortos De Video: Torfilm
Deseas que el mundo conozca tus trabajos, harto de ver tus producciones en casa. Finiquita todo eso ya. TORFILM es tu solución. Manda tu propio cortometraje quien sabe si este es el primer paso para llegar a ser un gran director. Inténtalo.
1. Manda o entrega el corto en un cd o dvd a “CASA DE LA JUVENTUD Centro polivalente “Abogados de Atocha 55” C/ Londres nº 11 b Torrejón de Ardoz 28850 Madrid”, junto tus datos personales. En el sobre que ponga TORFILM.
2. El formato de video da igual. (la máxima calidad para tu video)
3. Máximo 5 minutos. (no cuentan títulos de comienzo ni de final)
4. Tema libre.
5. Requisito edad máxima del director 35 años.
6. No se devolverán los trabajos entregados.
7. Fecha de recogida del 22-11-06 al 1-03-07.
8. Exposición de Cortos el 16-03-07. (Se avisará con antelación)
9. Cualquier problema con los premios serían sustituidos por uno de igual o mejor calidad.
Viaje para dos personas, Disco duro externo y placa conmemorativa.
Disco duro externo y placa conmemorativa.
Además todos los participantes, ganarán una recopilación de todos los cortos.
1. Manda o entrega el corto en un cd o dvd a “CASA DE LA JUVENTUD Centro polivalente “Abogados de Atocha 55” C/ Londres nº 11 b Torrejón de Ardoz 28850 Madrid”, junto tus datos personales. En el sobre que ponga TORFILM.
2. El formato de video da igual. (la máxima calidad para tu video)
3. Máximo 5 minutos. (no cuentan títulos de comienzo ni de final)
4. Tema libre.
5. Requisito edad máxima del director 35 años.
6. No se devolverán los trabajos entregados.
7. Fecha de recogida del 22-11-06 al 1-03-07.
8. Exposición de Cortos el 16-03-07. (Se avisará con antelación)
9. Cualquier problema con los premios serían sustituidos por uno de igual o mejor calidad.
Viaje para dos personas, Disco duro externo y placa conmemorativa.
Disco duro externo y placa conmemorativa.
Además todos los participantes, ganarán una recopilación de todos los cortos.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Radio Holidaze
I’ve been obsessed with the radio since I was really young. I mean really young, like since birth I think. Nowadays with my ipod and a working CD player in the car, I rarely check to see if anything is on because 9 times out of 10 of course, there isn’t.
But for some reason around the holidays I always find myself scanning thru the dial looking for something interesting to listen to. A story, some news, Christmas songs, etc.
I think that comes from having spent most of my Christmases of the past 17 years back home with my mother (though not the past 3, which kind of hurts), in the room I grew up in from 10th grade thru 12th, listening to CBC radio or whatever I could find. I think I have written this here before, but I’m originally from Erie, Pennsylvania and there they may not have much, but they’ve got a hellafied radio range. Growing up, 4 miles or so from Lake Erie, I would listen to radio from Canada, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and sometimes as far away as Chicago (on the AM dial generally).
So when I would go home to visit my mom from Houston, Amsterdam, Chicago, Austin, New York or wherever I was living, I would always spend a little time revisiting the local radio and beyond.
From the time I was like 8 years old till maybe 15 or so, I was obsessed with year-end countdowns. I wasn’t even necessarily into the pop crap they were playing on the radio, but for some reason me and my boy Chris Confer obsessed about it. We would sit and write down every song in the Top 104 songs of the year on K104 and we’d call into the station to express our disapproval if a song was too high or too low on the charts. We’d listen to the stations from all over and compare the lists. We’d look for albums by Canadian bands we’d hear on Canadian radio. We’d literally stay over at each others houses and stay up all night listening and writing and calling and probably drinking sodas and eating cookies to stay awake and alert (I once stayed up for 4 days straight on a Mom’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Ball Bender – Mom, you better be bringing the balls!)
In the past few weeks I’ve been finding myself doing the same thing. We’re not going to Erie for the holidays this year, everyone is coming here, so I have been scanning the dial to hear what I can hear. I’ve even tuned into a couple of Erie stations on the internet and realized that even though they all blow major dick, they’re a part of me and well for some reason they bring me some comfort. (Even WERG, the station where I did my first radio show, a reggae show in 1988 and 1989. That station sucks so much balls it should be illegal what with all the nu metal and such blaring from their basement studio).
Anyway, the other day I was scanning the AM dial and came across Michael Savage for the first time ever. I had always read that this Savage dude is like O’Reilly on ‘roids, the most vile conservative scumbag our country has to offer. Save for the folks your moronic parents and coworkers keep on electing.
Herr Savage made a comment somewheres along the lines of “America is the only country worth caring about today, and it’s almost not worth caring about.” He cited the rampant perversion of the Belgians, the Christmas hating Persians and well, he even hates Japan. Dude probably even hates Norway and Norway is vastly superior to the United States when it comes to everything but sunshine in the winter and the price of beer. Dude probably even hates the Netherlands even though you can get ANYTHING at any time of day there, and well, that’s respectable. I fuckin’ love the Netherlands.
Anyway, I say that a lot, anyway, I can’t believe that this sort of hate speech is allowed to exist in this country, and in the month in which the dude this dude worships was born. Is nothing sacred? Does Michael Savage hate Jesus so much that he would desecrate his month? The answer is yes, and Michael Savage is a heathen. He’s scum. The lowest of the low and needs to catch a bad one.
But whatever, I’m not gonna let him steal my sunshine. Christmas is in full swing here at SoReal Manor and as of 4:20 p.m. on December 16th I have officially entered the holiday season. Two weeks ago I didn’t know what the fuck we were gonna do to financially participate in this the holiday of holidays. Things looked quite bleak, but with some yelling, screaming and strong arming, we’re actually floating above the water this year and well, Christmas is not going to kill us. Like I thought it would. Seriously, I didn’t know what to do.
That being said, I also have to send a shout out to J. Mill at the Source. I’ve been covertly tripping on them here on the blog saying things about how they owe me a bunch of money and well, yes I was pissed. They still owe me money, but today I received a check and a note from J. that basically let me know that they haven’t forgotten about me and are trying. I always liked him a lot man. He’s a good dude and I have known that for a few years now. Being owed over $3000 by the Source, I let the anger at that corporation (or whatever the fuck it is) cloud my vision and I was seriously sitting here stewing for some time, expending a lot of (negative) energy on something I couldn’t do much of anything about.
Anyway, dude is working to make good and I appreciate him a lot for that. I support Down Magazine and am not even trippin’ on the Source right now. I like this feeling. It’s so Christmas-y! Thank’s J. Mill! (This may sound weird but I kind of knew this was gonna happen. I trust dude.)
And Happy Holidays top all of you. No matter what you celebrate, try to do so in the next couple of weeks. With me, in a park, jamming Sabbath, cuz it’s like that.
But for some reason around the holidays I always find myself scanning thru the dial looking for something interesting to listen to. A story, some news, Christmas songs, etc.
I think that comes from having spent most of my Christmases of the past 17 years back home with my mother (though not the past 3, which kind of hurts), in the room I grew up in from 10th grade thru 12th, listening to CBC radio or whatever I could find. I think I have written this here before, but I’m originally from Erie, Pennsylvania and there they may not have much, but they’ve got a hellafied radio range. Growing up, 4 miles or so from Lake Erie, I would listen to radio from Canada, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and sometimes as far away as Chicago (on the AM dial generally).
So when I would go home to visit my mom from Houston, Amsterdam, Chicago, Austin, New York or wherever I was living, I would always spend a little time revisiting the local radio and beyond.
From the time I was like 8 years old till maybe 15 or so, I was obsessed with year-end countdowns. I wasn’t even necessarily into the pop crap they were playing on the radio, but for some reason me and my boy Chris Confer obsessed about it. We would sit and write down every song in the Top 104 songs of the year on K104 and we’d call into the station to express our disapproval if a song was too high or too low on the charts. We’d listen to the stations from all over and compare the lists. We’d look for albums by Canadian bands we’d hear on Canadian radio. We’d literally stay over at each others houses and stay up all night listening and writing and calling and probably drinking sodas and eating cookies to stay awake and alert (I once stayed up for 4 days straight on a Mom’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Ball Bender – Mom, you better be bringing the balls!)
In the past few weeks I’ve been finding myself doing the same thing. We’re not going to Erie for the holidays this year, everyone is coming here, so I have been scanning the dial to hear what I can hear. I’ve even tuned into a couple of Erie stations on the internet and realized that even though they all blow major dick, they’re a part of me and well for some reason they bring me some comfort. (Even WERG, the station where I did my first radio show, a reggae show in 1988 and 1989. That station sucks so much balls it should be illegal what with all the nu metal and such blaring from their basement studio).
Anyway, the other day I was scanning the AM dial and came across Michael Savage for the first time ever. I had always read that this Savage dude is like O’Reilly on ‘roids, the most vile conservative scumbag our country has to offer. Save for the folks your moronic parents and coworkers keep on electing.
Herr Savage made a comment somewheres along the lines of “America is the only country worth caring about today, and it’s almost not worth caring about.” He cited the rampant perversion of the Belgians, the Christmas hating Persians and well, he even hates Japan. Dude probably even hates Norway and Norway is vastly superior to the United States when it comes to everything but sunshine in the winter and the price of beer. Dude probably even hates the Netherlands even though you can get ANYTHING at any time of day there, and well, that’s respectable. I fuckin’ love the Netherlands.
Anyway, I say that a lot, anyway, I can’t believe that this sort of hate speech is allowed to exist in this country, and in the month in which the dude this dude worships was born. Is nothing sacred? Does Michael Savage hate Jesus so much that he would desecrate his month? The answer is yes, and Michael Savage is a heathen. He’s scum. The lowest of the low and needs to catch a bad one.
But whatever, I’m not gonna let him steal my sunshine. Christmas is in full swing here at SoReal Manor and as of 4:20 p.m. on December 16th I have officially entered the holiday season. Two weeks ago I didn’t know what the fuck we were gonna do to financially participate in this the holiday of holidays. Things looked quite bleak, but with some yelling, screaming and strong arming, we’re actually floating above the water this year and well, Christmas is not going to kill us. Like I thought it would. Seriously, I didn’t know what to do.
That being said, I also have to send a shout out to J. Mill at the Source. I’ve been covertly tripping on them here on the blog saying things about how they owe me a bunch of money and well, yes I was pissed. They still owe me money, but today I received a check and a note from J. that basically let me know that they haven’t forgotten about me and are trying. I always liked him a lot man. He’s a good dude and I have known that for a few years now. Being owed over $3000 by the Source, I let the anger at that corporation (or whatever the fuck it is) cloud my vision and I was seriously sitting here stewing for some time, expending a lot of (negative) energy on something I couldn’t do much of anything about.
Anyway, dude is working to make good and I appreciate him a lot for that. I support Down Magazine and am not even trippin’ on the Source right now. I like this feeling. It’s so Christmas-y! Thank’s J. Mill! (This may sound weird but I kind of knew this was gonna happen. I trust dude.)
And Happy Holidays top all of you. No matter what you celebrate, try to do so in the next couple of weeks. With me, in a park, jamming Sabbath, cuz it’s like that.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
DIEMONSTERDIE #HellsVille, UTAH -United States#
Genre: Horrorpunk

"The Ultimate Horror Rock Monsters!!!!!!!"
Members of the band:
Zero Delorean-Vokills/guitars,
Mercury Rising -Guitars/Vokills
Raven Blades-Bass/Vokills
Horror punk in the grand tradition of the Misfits, Die Monster Die maintains a mysterious presence as they hide their 8th Dimensional selves behind spooky horror film masks and decorat ethe stage with gory doll heads. With songs about that pesky problem of getting rid of the body ("A Bag of Limestone, a Crawlspace, and You,") or the delimma of proving your love to the unsentimental ("How Many People Do I Have To Kill Before You Know I Love You,"), they keep tongues firmly in cheek... but whose tongues are those, anyway? You don't want to know... and neither do we!
Diemonsterdie - Lifes Blood: Past-Present-Future (1998-2007) -2006 • (2006 Dr. Cyclops)

01-One Night At Devils Rock
02-Always Walk Alone
03-Christ Rotting Head
04-A Bag Of Limestone, A Crawlspace And You
05-Bleeding Wrists Of Destiny
06-Flowers For Audrey
07-Black Is The Color Of Darkness
08-One Twenty
09-Inside I Quietly Bleed
10-Sky Bleeds Red
13-You Cant Decompose Forever
14-29 for the road
15-A Million Years
16-Beneath A Blood Red Moon
17-Cant Survive The Pain
18-Black Death Sheds Its Skin
19-Dead And Gone
21-Hellbound (House Of The Devil)
22-I never learn
23-Midnight Run To Houston
24-Gravedigger Girl
25-When Dead Things Rise Again
26-The Dead Ones Remember
27-Red Wedding Dress
Direct Download :
Diemonsterdie - Lifes Blood: Past-Present-Future
DMD has offered up a beautiful collection of songs FREE, Lifes Blood: Past-Present-Future contains 27 songs from 5 albums , also includes three unmixed tracks from he new unreleased album due out in 2007. it's only cause we love are dear fans and friends! drop by the "Gallery" link here on our site and download your copy of this amazing album! and if you have the heart donate a few bucks for the download! enjoy this collection!
One night At Devils Rock (Video)
One night At Devils Rock (Final)
Red Wedding Dress
Dead Alive

English: Here
Genre: Horrorpunk

"The Ultimate Horror Rock Monsters!!!!!!!"
Members of the band:
Zero Delorean-Vokills/guitars,
Mercury Rising -Guitars/Vokills
Raven Blades-Bass/Vokills
Horror punk in the grand tradition of the Misfits, Die Monster Die maintains a mysterious presence as they hide their 8th Dimensional selves behind spooky horror film masks and decorat ethe stage with gory doll heads. With songs about that pesky problem of getting rid of the body ("A Bag of Limestone, a Crawlspace, and You,") or the delimma of proving your love to the unsentimental ("How Many People Do I Have To Kill Before You Know I Love You,"), they keep tongues firmly in cheek... but whose tongues are those, anyway? You don't want to know... and neither do we!
Diemonsterdie - Lifes Blood: Past-Present-Future (1998-2007) -2006 • (2006 Dr. Cyclops)

01-One Night At Devils Rock
02-Always Walk Alone
03-Christ Rotting Head
04-A Bag Of Limestone, A Crawlspace And You
05-Bleeding Wrists Of Destiny
06-Flowers For Audrey
07-Black Is The Color Of Darkness
08-One Twenty
09-Inside I Quietly Bleed
10-Sky Bleeds Red
13-You Cant Decompose Forever
14-29 for the road
15-A Million Years
16-Beneath A Blood Red Moon
17-Cant Survive The Pain
18-Black Death Sheds Its Skin
19-Dead And Gone
21-Hellbound (House Of The Devil)
22-I never learn
23-Midnight Run To Houston
24-Gravedigger Girl
25-When Dead Things Rise Again
26-The Dead Ones Remember
27-Red Wedding Dress
Direct Download :
Diemonsterdie - Lifes Blood: Past-Present-Future
DMD has offered up a beautiful collection of songs FREE, Lifes Blood: Past-Present-Future contains 27 songs from 5 albums , also includes three unmixed tracks from he new unreleased album due out in 2007. it's only cause we love are dear fans and friends! drop by the "Gallery" link here on our site and download your copy of this amazing album! and if you have the heart donate a few bucks for the download! enjoy this collection!
One night At Devils Rock (Video)
One night At Devils Rock (Final)
Red Wedding Dress
Dead Alive

English: Here
I'm DJing THIS SATURDAY! FREE!Last Night's Damage Control
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH. What you know about me behind them wheels?
On them decks.
Doin' it big.

Christmas/Holiday music all night at the Orange Show. Me and Mariachi MECA jammin' on down SoReal. If you miss this, you are missing the whole point of Christmas. If you don't like Christmas music then you are with the terrirists so rethink yoself and make yoself seen enjoying Christmas at the Orange Show this Saturday night lest them peoples come break your door down for being on the other side of that fence o.k.? There'll be food, drinks, good vibes, family friendliness, incredible lights throughout the hood and on the structure itself.
The Orange Show is hands down my favorite venue in Houston. You need to come party with me. (DJ Eva gonna be on the wheels with me as well. On that futuristic shit.)
Then hit up My MySpace. Knowmtalmbout. Somebody will see it. Not me.
Last night Damage Control was o.k. Chill showed up at like 1 a.m. and never set up them tables so I was talking to people over beat cd's on repeat feeling like a goof with no real vibe going throughout the place. You might notice that I played like 46 minutes of music right from the jump without really talking. I was tired as shit - I been going thru it Holiday work style lately - and not feeling the whole interview process. Amy didn't want to co-host with me, she just wanted her own hour so I just kind of sat there dazed going through CD's wondering why. Lot's of good stuff last night, but equally balanced with shitty shit that didn't need to be played.
New exclusive music from north Texas from PPT, Money Waters and Twisted Black that should have you trippin'. Good stuff.
I don't know.
These dudes showed up!

Golden Child, Da Ryno, A3, Chalie Boy
They came in like 1:30 and I was so tired I was just not as excited as I should have been. I got love for all them dudes, but I was about to fall over. And I didn't even realize that last night WAS THE FIRST TIME CHALIE BOY EVER CAME TO DAMAGE CONTROL! We should have done it bigger, but I was deep in a zone, a thousand feet from what you think that I'm on... Yungbuk.
I'm out.
On them decks.
Doin' it big.

Christmas/Holiday music all night at the Orange Show. Me and Mariachi MECA jammin' on down SoReal. If you miss this, you are missing the whole point of Christmas. If you don't like Christmas music then you are with the terrirists so rethink yoself and make yoself seen enjoying Christmas at the Orange Show this Saturday night lest them peoples come break your door down for being on the other side of that fence o.k.? There'll be food, drinks, good vibes, family friendliness, incredible lights throughout the hood and on the structure itself.
The Orange Show is hands down my favorite venue in Houston. You need to come party with me. (DJ Eva gonna be on the wheels with me as well. On that futuristic shit.)
Then hit up My MySpace. Knowmtalmbout. Somebody will see it. Not me.
Last night Damage Control was o.k. Chill showed up at like 1 a.m. and never set up them tables so I was talking to people over beat cd's on repeat feeling like a goof with no real vibe going throughout the place. You might notice that I played like 46 minutes of music right from the jump without really talking. I was tired as shit - I been going thru it Holiday work style lately - and not feeling the whole interview process. Amy didn't want to co-host with me, she just wanted her own hour so I just kind of sat there dazed going through CD's wondering why. Lot's of good stuff last night, but equally balanced with shitty shit that didn't need to be played.
New exclusive music from north Texas from PPT, Money Waters and Twisted Black that should have you trippin'. Good stuff.
I don't know.
These dudes showed up!

Golden Child, Da Ryno, A3, Chalie Boy
They came in like 1:30 and I was so tired I was just not as excited as I should have been. I got love for all them dudes, but I was about to fall over. And I didn't even realize that last night WAS THE FIRST TIME CHALIE BOY EVER CAME TO DAMAGE CONTROL! We should have done it bigger, but I was deep in a zone, a thousand feet from what you think that I'm on... Yungbuk.
I'm out.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Congratulations to the Grit Boys
On signing to TVT Records.

They wanna know if Houston can hold on to it in 2007. With UGK on Feb. 27 (Underground Kings), Devin on March 13th (Waiting to Inhale), Grit Boys in the first quarter, Willie D's new album is a monster on some classic Geto Boys shit, it doesn't seem ready to stop yet. Shit I'm ready for 2007. Bring it on. What the fuck. I'm ready.
Damage Control tonight midnight till 3am central time to listen live.

They wanna know if Houston can hold on to it in 2007. With UGK on Feb. 27 (Underground Kings), Devin on March 13th (Waiting to Inhale), Grit Boys in the first quarter, Willie D's new album is a monster on some classic Geto Boys shit, it doesn't seem ready to stop yet. Shit I'm ready for 2007. Bring it on. What the fuck. I'm ready.
Damage Control tonight midnight till 3am central time to listen live.
V A - Rockabilly Psychosis & the Garage Disease
V A - Rockabilly Psychosis & the Garage Disease
#Various Countrys#
Genre: Garage/Rockabilly/Psycho

01 - the trashmen - surfin' bird
02 - the sonics - psycho
03 - the novas - the crusher
04 - ralph nelson & the chancellors - scream!
05 -the legendary stardust cowboy - paralysed
06 - hasil adkins - she said
07 - link wray - hidden charms
08 - meteors - my daddy is a vampire
09 - jimmy dickinson & the cramps - red headed woman
10 - milkshakes - run chicken
11 - meteors - radioactive kid
12 - tav falco & panther burns - dateless night
13 - gun club - jack on fire
14 - geezers - folsom prison blues
15 - sting-rays - catman
16 - guana batz - just love me
Direct Download: rockabilly psychosis & the garage disease (compilation)
English: Here
#Various Countrys#
Genre: Garage/Rockabilly/Psycho

01 - the trashmen - surfin' bird
02 - the sonics - psycho
03 - the novas - the crusher
04 - ralph nelson & the chancellors - scream!
05 -the legendary stardust cowboy - paralysed
06 - hasil adkins - she said
07 - link wray - hidden charms
08 - meteors - my daddy is a vampire
09 - jimmy dickinson & the cramps - red headed woman
10 - milkshakes - run chicken
11 - meteors - radioactive kid
12 - tav falco & panther burns - dateless night
13 - gun club - jack on fire
14 - geezers - folsom prison blues
15 - sting-rays - catman
16 - guana batz - just love me
Direct Download: rockabilly psychosis & the garage disease (compilation)
English: Here
#Garage Horror,
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Infrakuerpos - Infrakuerpos
Hoy toca hablar de un par de bandas de mi tierra, Infrakuerpos e Inzesto, cada uno de ellos en entradas separadas, vamos cón
INFRAKUERPOS #Bilbo,Bizkaia -Spain#
Genre: Skizo Horror Rock /Horrorpunk

Band members: guitarra y voz (Kerman),batería (Rulos) bajo (????)
Infrakuerpos - Infrakuerpos

3-Mi droga mas dura
4-Estoy muerto y kiero sangre
5-Rock del mal
6-Es el final
7-Soy nozivo
8-Instinto animal
Si te gusta 10-Futuro mutante
11-La klinika del Dr.Terror
Debut discográfico de estos punks bilbainos que le dan al punk ochentero pero con letras ácidas basadas en historias de terror, sangre y muerte. 11 temas repletos de zombies, experimentos siniestros y mutantes con un estilo y sonido cercano a aquellos grupos inolvidables de los 80.
ed2k Link:
Infrakuerpos - Infrakuerpos -2006.rar
Si te gusta Compralo akí por 5 €
INFRAKUERPOS #Bilbo,Bizkaia -Spain#
Genre: Skizo Horror Rock /Horrorpunk

Band members: guitarra y voz (Kerman),batería (Rulos) bajo (????)
Infrakuerpos - Infrakuerpos

3-Mi droga mas dura
4-Estoy muerto y kiero sangre
5-Rock del mal
6-Es el final
7-Soy nozivo
8-Instinto animal
Si te gusta 10-Futuro mutante
11-La klinika del Dr.Terror
Debut discográfico de estos punks bilbainos que le dan al punk ochentero pero con letras ácidas basadas en historias de terror, sangre y muerte. 11 temas repletos de zombies, experimentos siniestros y mutantes con un estilo y sonido cercano a aquellos grupos inolvidables de los 80.
Primer trabajo de esta peña de Bizkaia, trío de bajo, guitarra y batería, donde el guitarra y voz (Kerman) y el batería (Rulos) provenían de los míticos Pure de Sesos, banda ya desaparecida, pero que tuvo su calado en Euskal Herria.
El cd está grabado el 15 de Agosto de 2005 en Matadero Studios (Sodupe) por Jagoba y Jon, con 11 temas en total y un precio de 5 eurillos. El sonido no es el de un disco con una gran producción, pero a mi personalmente me molan bastante, han conseguido un sonido muy personal, con un toque a punk ibérico antiguo. Skizo Horror Rock de Bilbo como los consideran algunos, punk en la linea de Eskorbuto o Qloaqa Letal con letras a lo Misfits, en muchas partes de canciones nos recuerdan incluso a la Banda Trapera, con líneas de bajo muy elegantes.
Temas como el de Infrakuerpos donde se definen: tan solo nacidos para calentar el vicio en cuerpos insatisfechos, fieles y adictos al dolor la invasion de los infrakuerpos, dando nuestra sangre por los que ya están muertos... O temas como el del rock del mal, que es un tema barriobajero a ritmo de rock´roll: ...y saco mi navaja y lo rajo vivo, le robo la cartera y me pago el vizio...
Pues a lo dicho, si te gustan grupos como cloaqa letal, o la banda trapera, mezclado con letras entre barriobajeras y tipo misfits este es tu grupo, y por 5 euros no te defraudarán.
El cd está grabado el 15 de Agosto de 2005 en Matadero Studios (Sodupe) por Jagoba y Jon, con 11 temas en total y un precio de 5 eurillos. El sonido no es el de un disco con una gran producción, pero a mi personalmente me molan bastante, han conseguido un sonido muy personal, con un toque a punk ibérico antiguo. Skizo Horror Rock de Bilbo como los consideran algunos, punk en la linea de Eskorbuto o Qloaqa Letal con letras a lo Misfits, en muchas partes de canciones nos recuerdan incluso a la Banda Trapera, con líneas de bajo muy elegantes.
Temas como el de Infrakuerpos donde se definen: tan solo nacidos para calentar el vicio en cuerpos insatisfechos, fieles y adictos al dolor la invasion de los infrakuerpos, dando nuestra sangre por los que ya están muertos... O temas como el del rock del mal, que es un tema barriobajero a ritmo de rock´roll: ...y saco mi navaja y lo rajo vivo, le robo la cartera y me pago el vizio...
Pues a lo dicho, si te gustan grupos como cloaqa letal, o la banda trapera, mezclado con letras entre barriobajeras y tipo misfits este es tu grupo, y por 5 euros no te defraudarán.
ed2k Link:
Infrakuerpos - Infrakuerpos -2006.rar
Si te gusta Compralo akí por 5 €
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Frankenstein - An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation
FRANKENSTEIN #Los Angeles, California -USA#
Genre: Horrorpunk

Band Members: Dave Grave: Mouth
Tommy Marseilles: Lead Guitar
L. Ron Jeremy: Rhythm Guitar
Bart Sinister: Bass
Stevyn Grey: Drums
About Frankenstein
Dredged up from the sewers of the LA underground and the deepest, darkest bayou, Frankenstein have emerged only to become the most talked-about, bone-crunching, gut-wrenching, flabbergasting band of our time!
With a band roster that always reads like a punk/deathrock who's-who (line-ups include alumni from Christian Death, The Rotters, Kommunity FK, Bloodflag & Voodoo Church to name a few)!
With their punk/psychobilly/swampy blues-gone-awry mayhem and legendary live shows that are guaranteed to pack a punch, right in the gut(ter)!
With half a face and half a chest and all the guts in the world!!
Ripped up, wiped out, battered, shattered, creamed, and reamed!!
Look for the new full-length release..."An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation"

Frankenstein - An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation - Fiendforce 2004
01. This Palpitating Thing (Intro)
02. Lovecraft
03. Devil In A Bottle
04. 13th Floor
05. Thunderjug
06. Black Train Rollin'
07. Swamp Twang Thang
08. She Casts No Shadow
09. Jesus With A Big V8
10. Black Lung
11. Flesh Garage
12. Strange Movies
13. Bubblin' Blood
ed2k Link:
Frankenstein - An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation (192k + covers) By eXe.eXe(
The name is particularly appropriate—Frankenstein comprises the stitched-together body parts of countless other horror punk bands. After twenty years of live shows and lineup changes, they've only just gotten round to releasing an album. Still, the Mona Lisa took twenty years to complete, and her smile was all over the shop.
An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation is a fun album, first and foremost. That's what good horror punk is all about, and Frankenstein don't disappoint. The album does get a bit too, uh, bogged-down with the "swamp-grind" thing at times, but there enough bouncy, stompy tracks like She Casts No Shadow and 13th Floor to balance the dirge-esque stuff like Jesus with a Big V-8.
It's great to see that bands who don't take themselves at all seriously still exist. Black Lung finishes with a cheeky wee "I see a pink lung and I want to burn it black". Quite.
The main problem with this album is that it gets tiresome to listen to after a while. Frankenstein have plenty of experience with live shows and compilations, and it seems like that's what they're best at. Any and all of these songs would work fine in a playlist with some stuff by The Cramps or The Misfits, y'know, just to lighten the mood a little. Frankenstein lack the groove of the former and the pop sensibilities of the latter, but they're grubby enough to comfortably rub shoulders with both.
Musically uncomplicated, not particularly original, but enjoyable enough. Buy one for your mum this Christmas.

English: Here
Genre: Horrorpunk

Band Members: Dave Grave: Mouth
Tommy Marseilles: Lead Guitar
L. Ron Jeremy: Rhythm Guitar
Bart Sinister: Bass
Stevyn Grey: Drums
About Frankenstein
Dredged up from the sewers of the LA underground and the deepest, darkest bayou, Frankenstein have emerged only to become the most talked-about, bone-crunching, gut-wrenching, flabbergasting band of our time!
With a band roster that always reads like a punk/deathrock who's-who (line-ups include alumni from Christian Death, The Rotters, Kommunity FK, Bloodflag & Voodoo Church to name a few)!
With their punk/psychobilly/swampy blues-gone-awry mayhem and legendary live shows that are guaranteed to pack a punch, right in the gut(ter)!
With half a face and half a chest and all the guts in the world!!
Ripped up, wiped out, battered, shattered, creamed, and reamed!!
Look for the new full-length release..."An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation"

Frankenstein - An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation - Fiendforce 2004
01. This Palpitating Thing (Intro)
02. Lovecraft
03. Devil In A Bottle
04. 13th Floor
05. Thunderjug
06. Black Train Rollin'
07. Swamp Twang Thang
08. She Casts No Shadow
09. Jesus With A Big V8
10. Black Lung
11. Flesh Garage
12. Strange Movies
13. Bubblin' Blood
ed2k Link:
Frankenstein - An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation (192k + covers) By eXe.eXe(
The name is particularly appropriate—Frankenstein comprises the stitched-together body parts of countless other horror punk bands. After twenty years of live shows and lineup changes, they've only just gotten round to releasing an album. Still, the Mona Lisa took twenty years to complete, and her smile was all over the shop.
An Ugly Display of Self-Preservation is a fun album, first and foremost. That's what good horror punk is all about, and Frankenstein don't disappoint. The album does get a bit too, uh, bogged-down with the "swamp-grind" thing at times, but there enough bouncy, stompy tracks like She Casts No Shadow and 13th Floor to balance the dirge-esque stuff like Jesus with a Big V-8.
It's great to see that bands who don't take themselves at all seriously still exist. Black Lung finishes with a cheeky wee "I see a pink lung and I want to burn it black". Quite.
The main problem with this album is that it gets tiresome to listen to after a while. Frankenstein have plenty of experience with live shows and compilations, and it seems like that's what they're best at. Any and all of these songs would work fine in a playlist with some stuff by The Cramps or The Misfits, y'know, just to lighten the mood a little. Frankenstein lack the groove of the former and the pop sensibilities of the latter, but they're grubby enough to comfortably rub shoulders with both.
Musically uncomplicated, not particularly original, but enjoyable enough. Buy one for your mum this Christmas.

English: Here
Tragic Black - The Decadent Requiem
TRAGIC BLACK #Salt Lake City,Utah -United States#
Genre: Deathrock

Band Members: Hex- Guitar, Seputus - drums, vISION - vocal, Vyle - Bass.
Influences: Dreams, Chartreuse, Mushrooms and bands like; Bauhaus, Alien Sex Fiend, Christian Death, The Misfits, Skinny Puppy, David Bowie, Specimen, Malign, and Virgin Prunes.
Sounds Like: A mixture of goth, deathrock, punk, industrial, glam and darkwave.
Tras varios discos autoproducidos, varias apariciones en recopilatorios y muchas actuaciones en directo, los estadounidenses Tragic Black nos ofrecen su primer trabajo para Strobelight Records. Hubo gente que les acuso de ser una banda deathrock que copiaba a otros artistas, pero con ‘The decadent requiem’ han demostrado que ni lo uno ni lo otro. La influencia de algunas bandas deathrockeras es evidente y está presente en gran parte de los temas que componen el disco, pero otros muchos géneros musicales tienen cabida en su música ya que en sus temas encontramos elementos de estilos tan diversos como el industrial, el punk, el psychobilly, el metal o el gothic rock, eso sí, sin llegar a abusar de ninguno de ellos. Por otro lado, Tragic Black está consiguiendo con el paso de los años alcanzar un sonido bastante personal que les diferencia de muchas bandas del panorama oscuro actual.
Han mejorado en la composición de los temas, las melodías de guitarras han progresado (pese que en algún momento aislado siguen sonando un poco perdidas) y la programación de las bases está mucho más trabajada además de poseer más fuerza que en sus primeros trabajos. La voz de Vision es uno de los elementos característicos de su música, sonando en ocasiones muy cercana a la de vocalistas de grupos como Sex Gang Children o Virgin Prunes y en otros momentos con registros más cercanos a los de un cantante de una banda de metal, pero en ambos casos llena de pasión e intensidad . La producción es mejor que en anteriores grabaciones aunque todavía puede mejorar, lo que les ayudará conseguir un mejor acabado en sus canciones. La gran mayoría de los temas aparecieron con anterioridad en ‘The sixx premonitions’ y ‘Burnt black’ (en directo), aunque personalmente echo en falta una de mis favoritas, ‘Die nacht’.
Como temas destacables podemos mencionar la muy pogueable ‘Suburbian dystopia’, con un sonido bastante más punk que otros cortes del disco, ‘Mad hatter’ deathrock de corte más clásico donde destaca la potencia de las bases, ’Lost time’, preciosa canción algo más calmada donde melodías de sintetizador y piano llevan el peso del tema hasta que una guitarra termina por explotar hacia la mitad del mismo volviendo finalmente de nuevo a la calma o ‘Parasitism’ trepidante y genial pieza de marcado carácter psychobilly.Por último señalar que además de las 14 canciones el disco incluye tres videoclips.
‘The decadent requiem’ supone un paso adelante en la carrera musical de Tragic Black que han decidido no estancarse dentro de los sonidos oscuros más ortodoxos aportando originalidad y calidad a su música, junto a grandes dosis de dramatismo y locura. Probablemente sus mejores trabajos estén por llegar, pero este disco no hace más que afianzarlos dentro de la escena deathrockera.

Tragic Black - 'The Decadent Requiem'
[01] In-toxic-Nation (The Doom Generation)
[02] Circuit 3
[03] Surreal Catharsis
[04] Suburbian Dystopia
[05] Incinerate
[06] Mad Hatter
[07] Lost Time
[08] Fading Echoes
[09] Faith In Decay
[10] Elegy
[11] Smeared Eyes
[12] The Decadent Requiem (The Awakening)
[13] Parasitism
[14] Holding Hands
ed2k Link:
Tragic Black - The Decadent Requiem -2006.rar

English: Here
Genre: Deathrock

Band Members: Hex- Guitar, Seputus - drums, vISION - vocal, Vyle - Bass.
Influences: Dreams, Chartreuse, Mushrooms and bands like; Bauhaus, Alien Sex Fiend, Christian Death, The Misfits, Skinny Puppy, David Bowie, Specimen, Malign, and Virgin Prunes.
Sounds Like: A mixture of goth, deathrock, punk, industrial, glam and darkwave.
Tras varios discos autoproducidos, varias apariciones en recopilatorios y muchas actuaciones en directo, los estadounidenses Tragic Black nos ofrecen su primer trabajo para Strobelight Records. Hubo gente que les acuso de ser una banda deathrock que copiaba a otros artistas, pero con ‘The decadent requiem’ han demostrado que ni lo uno ni lo otro. La influencia de algunas bandas deathrockeras es evidente y está presente en gran parte de los temas que componen el disco, pero otros muchos géneros musicales tienen cabida en su música ya que en sus temas encontramos elementos de estilos tan diversos como el industrial, el punk, el psychobilly, el metal o el gothic rock, eso sí, sin llegar a abusar de ninguno de ellos. Por otro lado, Tragic Black está consiguiendo con el paso de los años alcanzar un sonido bastante personal que les diferencia de muchas bandas del panorama oscuro actual.
Han mejorado en la composición de los temas, las melodías de guitarras han progresado (pese que en algún momento aislado siguen sonando un poco perdidas) y la programación de las bases está mucho más trabajada además de poseer más fuerza que en sus primeros trabajos. La voz de Vision es uno de los elementos característicos de su música, sonando en ocasiones muy cercana a la de vocalistas de grupos como Sex Gang Children o Virgin Prunes y en otros momentos con registros más cercanos a los de un cantante de una banda de metal, pero en ambos casos llena de pasión e intensidad . La producción es mejor que en anteriores grabaciones aunque todavía puede mejorar, lo que les ayudará conseguir un mejor acabado en sus canciones. La gran mayoría de los temas aparecieron con anterioridad en ‘The sixx premonitions’ y ‘Burnt black’ (en directo), aunque personalmente echo en falta una de mis favoritas, ‘Die nacht’.
Como temas destacables podemos mencionar la muy pogueable ‘Suburbian dystopia’, con un sonido bastante más punk que otros cortes del disco, ‘Mad hatter’ deathrock de corte más clásico donde destaca la potencia de las bases, ’Lost time’, preciosa canción algo más calmada donde melodías de sintetizador y piano llevan el peso del tema hasta que una guitarra termina por explotar hacia la mitad del mismo volviendo finalmente de nuevo a la calma o ‘Parasitism’ trepidante y genial pieza de marcado carácter psychobilly.Por último señalar que además de las 14 canciones el disco incluye tres videoclips.
‘The decadent requiem’ supone un paso adelante en la carrera musical de Tragic Black que han decidido no estancarse dentro de los sonidos oscuros más ortodoxos aportando originalidad y calidad a su música, junto a grandes dosis de dramatismo y locura. Probablemente sus mejores trabajos estén por llegar, pero este disco no hace más que afianzarlos dentro de la escena deathrockera.

Tragic Black - 'The Decadent Requiem'
[01] In-toxic-Nation (The Doom Generation)
[02] Circuit 3
[03] Surreal Catharsis
[04] Suburbian Dystopia
[05] Incinerate
[06] Mad Hatter
[07] Lost Time
[08] Fading Echoes
[09] Faith In Decay
[10] Elegy
[11] Smeared Eyes
[12] The Decadent Requiem (The Awakening)
[13] Parasitism
[14] Holding Hands
ed2k Link:
Tragic Black - The Decadent Requiem -2006.rar

English: Here
Two New Trae Videos!
Peep this the um, world premier of sorts of the two new videos from the only rap album I was able to listen to in it's entirity in one sitting this whole past year.
Trae feat. Yung Joc - In the Hood
Trae feat. Z-Ro - No Help
Both these songs jam. "No Help" might be my pick for jam of the year. If I did things like pick jams of the year and such.
Trae feat. Yung Joc - In the Hood
Trae feat. Z-Ro - No Help
Both these songs jam. "No Help" might be my pick for jam of the year. If I did things like pick jams of the year and such.
Another Fine Milestone for our Fine Nation
U.S. Imprisons More People Than Any Other Nation

By James Vicini, Reuters
WASHINGTON (Dec. 9) -- Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according to criminal justice experts.
A U.S. Justice Department report released on November 30 showed that a record 7 million people -- or one in every 32 American adults -- were behind bars, on probation or on parole at the end of last year. Of the total, 2.2 million were in prison or jail.
According to the International Center for Prison Studies at King's College in London, more people are behind bars in the United States than in any other country. China ranks second with 1.5 million prisoners, followed by Russia with 870,000.
The U.S. incarceration rate of 737 per 100,000 people in the highest, followed by 611 in Russia and 547 for St. Kitts and Nevis. In contrast, the incarceration rates in many Western industrial nations range around 100 per 100,000 people.
Groups advocating reform of U.S. sentencing laws seized on the latest U.S. prison population figures showing admissions of inmates have been rising even faster than the numbers of prisoners who have been released.
"The United States has 5 percent of the world's population and 25 percent of the world's incarcerated population. We rank first in the world in locking up our fellow citizens," said Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, which supports alternatives in the war on drugs.
"We now imprison more people for drug law violations than all of western Europe, with a much larger population, incarcerates for all offenses."
Ryan King, a policy analyst at The Sentencing Project, a group advocating sentencing reform, said the United States has a more punitive criminal justice system than other countries.
More People to Prison
"We send more people to prison, for more different offenses, for longer periods of time than anybody else," he said.
Drug offenders account for about 2 million of the 7 million in prison, on probation or parole, King said, adding that other countries often stress treatment instead of incarceration.
Commenting on what the prison figures show about U.S. society, King said various social programs, including those dealing with education, poverty, urban development, health care and child care, have failed.
"There are a number of social programs we have failed to deliver. There are systemic failures going on," he said. "A lot of these people then end up in the criminal justice system."
Kent Scheidegger, legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in California, said the high prison numbers represented a proper response to the crime problem in the United States. Locking up more criminals has contributed to lower crime rates, he said.
"The hand-wringing over the incarceration rate is missing the mark," he said.
Scheidegger said the high prison population reflected cultural differences, with the United States having far higher crimes rates than European nations or Japan. "We have more crime. More crime gets you more prisoners."
Julie Stewart, president of the group Families Against Mandatory Minimums, cited the Justice Department report and said drug offenders are clogging the U.S. justice system.
"Why are so many
people in prison?
Blame mandatory
sentencing laws
and the record
number of
nonviolent drug
offenders subject
to them," she said.
By James Vicini, Reuters
WASHINGTON (Dec. 9) -- Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according to criminal justice experts.
A U.S. Justice Department report released on November 30 showed that a record 7 million people -- or one in every 32 American adults -- were behind bars, on probation or on parole at the end of last year. Of the total, 2.2 million were in prison or jail.
According to the International Center for Prison Studies at King's College in London, more people are behind bars in the United States than in any other country. China ranks second with 1.5 million prisoners, followed by Russia with 870,000.
The U.S. incarceration rate of 737 per 100,000 people in the highest, followed by 611 in Russia and 547 for St. Kitts and Nevis. In contrast, the incarceration rates in many Western industrial nations range around 100 per 100,000 people.
Groups advocating reform of U.S. sentencing laws seized on the latest U.S. prison population figures showing admissions of inmates have been rising even faster than the numbers of prisoners who have been released.
"The United States has 5 percent of the world's population and 25 percent of the world's incarcerated population. We rank first in the world in locking up our fellow citizens," said Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, which supports alternatives in the war on drugs.
"We now imprison more people for drug law violations than all of western Europe, with a much larger population, incarcerates for all offenses."
Ryan King, a policy analyst at The Sentencing Project, a group advocating sentencing reform, said the United States has a more punitive criminal justice system than other countries.
More People to Prison
"We send more people to prison, for more different offenses, for longer periods of time than anybody else," he said.
Drug offenders account for about 2 million of the 7 million in prison, on probation or parole, King said, adding that other countries often stress treatment instead of incarceration.
Commenting on what the prison figures show about U.S. society, King said various social programs, including those dealing with education, poverty, urban development, health care and child care, have failed.
"There are a number of social programs we have failed to deliver. There are systemic failures going on," he said. "A lot of these people then end up in the criminal justice system."
Kent Scheidegger, legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in California, said the high prison numbers represented a proper response to the crime problem in the United States. Locking up more criminals has contributed to lower crime rates, he said.
"The hand-wringing over the incarceration rate is missing the mark," he said.
Scheidegger said the high prison population reflected cultural differences, with the United States having far higher crimes rates than European nations or Japan. "We have more crime. More crime gets you more prisoners."
Julie Stewart, president of the group Families Against Mandatory Minimums, cited the Justice Department report and said drug offenders are clogging the U.S. justice system.
"Why are so many
people in prison?
Blame mandatory
sentencing laws
and the record
number of
nonviolent drug
offenders subject
to them," she said.
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