Witnes held it down above and beyond the call of duty all night.

The Dude by Article. He's been making these amazing portraits and selling them at shows lately. Shit is off the chain.

PKT on stage

PKT with T. Piper and crew

Coughee Sistaz Erica Marlin and Sista Green

Josh Martinez orders a double rum and coke or some shit


Lower Life Form, Ish, Phd and Brew all killed it too

Tom is a future Congressman from my district and Bubba is a big time record label mogul

Jokaman tore it up for sure.

They got it live

Governor Good Grief in the house. He saved the day with a CDJ when Sest's began to smoke on stage.


The Chicharones were off the chain. The crowd was all over them, for real. They had 'em.

Then your boy hit the stage at like 1:23 or some shit. Stayed there till 2:30 with the Odd Squad, Erika Marlin and even a vocoder (or whatever that thang is) in tow. Shit was wild.

The vocoder and Erika

Coughee Brothas were in full effect. Shit was crazy

Jugg Mugg

Rob Quest and Devin. Rob dropped me some solo shit off last week. Tune in to hear some of it on Damage Control this week

Odd Squad did it accapella at the end

MAAAN HOLD UP! B-Boy Craig, Devin, Article and friend

K-Rino was in the house. Lookout for the HoustonSoReal K-Rino Texas mini-tour in January.

Magno even showed up. Lookout for Magno on the moon. That man is finna blow.
I didn't really take as many photos as I should have. Ir eally didn't know a lot of the people there last night. It was a wild crowd man, but real chill...
Save for some little tagger fools and toys who stuck all these 8.5 X 11 BAD SEED stickers EVERYWHERE. I'm talking about they destroyed the mens and ladies rooms hard with tags and these fucking huge stickers. Shit that meant nothing. Like I was trying to decipher the tags so I could figure out who these fools are, but I couldn't read shit. The shit was wack like 6 times over on every wall in the bathrooms.
These little toys fucked me. The tone of thenight went from "Hey Matt youthink youmight want to do every Sunday here?" to "Hey Matt this shit is totally fucked." Real quick. And with good reason. Like, I would be, and am, mad as fuck about that shit. If someone tagged the shit out of my nice restaurant - yes they hit the walls and tables in the restaurant part of Havana - I'd be pissed too. It was messed up.
Somebody even stole the huge 6 foot lit up inflatable Heineken bottle. We had $2 Heinekens for most of the night till they ran out. Somebody took that, but I made some calls and got that back today. No big deal.
But the tags were fucked up and I'ma be looking for you toys, that shit was fucked up. That shit takes hard work to put together and execute and gain the trust of the venues and there you little bitches (and I heard some of the taggers were girls) go and turn a good thing to shit just so your corny tag can be up on a wall for 10 minutes. They make this shit called Goof Off you tard. Your shit was gone less than 15 minutes later you corn balls. You succeeded in making me and a few other good people very angry, that's it and that's so stupid.
But anyway, my goal for January is to have a huge birthday jump off with a couple of my favorite DJ's and then book some shows with K-Rino, Young Bleed and Money Waters through Texas, get Devin back to Canada, and hopefully to Europe too. Hopefully I can still do the Houston events at Havana, but I doubt it and don't blame them.
But other than that, all the groups were off the chain, the crowd was stellar and we shall proceed.
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