Recognize and realize. The Sabbath in the Park movement ain't goin' nowhere, except the court, then the after party, then maybe a hotel lobby, but at any rate it's goin' down and if you live in NYC or it's tri-state area you need to bring it on down to Southpaw Wednesday evening where it will indeed go down once again. You're either with Sabbath in the Park or you're with the terrorists and this is really the last open invitation to you the casual reader, after this we gonna be like Mason's and you'll have no idea what the fuck we doing. Until we breing it to Texas for that Sabbath in the Springs. If you don't know, now you know, recognize a playa. See you Wednesday night New York people.
This past Saturday night it went down once again at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston where them peoples Flosstradamus, CeePlus, Bristle and more folks just killed it. These Museum parties are the best thing to happen to Houston ever, though on this particular night I didn't see a whole lot of people going upstairs to look at the art, they just wanted to dance and drink and such. Which is cool, but I don't know, GO LOOK AT THE ART DOPERS.
And onto my art.

White Punks on Dope, and Jackson, also on dope.

Flosstradamus is off the chain, killin' it and such as they say.

Butthey need to dress lil better (Who dressed you boys? Diplo?)

And posture is definitely an issue. Higher tables for DJ's in '07 is also the movement.

Crystal Lee of Envy Magazine in full effect.

Tom of them Free Radicals and Studemont Project seen here with Jackson

Shorty, the brains behind www.houstonhiphop.com

Yeah I mean, it went down.

Kim C. run tings

Friends in high places

The police rushed the stage when the ladies got up to jam down with the Chicago boys. Pretty sure no one got tazed at this particular event. At least no one who didn't want it.

Cee Plus y crew

YPPAH! You bought his CD on Ninjatune yet?

As we walked along ouside in search of some "higher" inspiration...

We found it in more ways than one.

I'ma end up here someday I know it and can feel it.
And if you need to listen to some jams you need to click this link right here and jam to some jams.
Anyway, I would also like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to stop asking me about SXSW. If yer not in, yer not in. Official announcement of shows coming sooner than you think. Thanks.
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