Genre: Psychobilly

Iberia Trash - Mondo Psycho
01 - Iberia Trash (Introducion)
02 - Motosierras asesinas
03 - La ostra alienigena
04 - El tren de la costa
05 - El vampiro
06 - Surf mutante en Tromaville
07 - Olaf el vikingo
08 - Canibal
09 - Por ser tuyo
10 - Un dia en Wako
11 - Aline
12 - Conclusion
Primer CD de la banda con un estilo que habría que definir como "Psycho-Trash", mezcla del Psychobilly y la cultura de terror en el cine de los años 50's y 60's y películas de serie B. El rockabilly más oscuro de los 50's de Hasil Adkins, Legendary Stardust Cowboys, Kyp tyler e influencias actuales como los Cramps.
Iberia Trash es un grupo navarro de Psychobilly formado a mediados de Enero de 1998. Los orígenes de la banda se remontan a LOS MOTOSIERRAS, formación anterior en la que militaban sus miembros. Tras unos buenos conciertos disolvieron dicho combo para formar IBERIA TRASH.
La originalidad de la formación radica, entre otras cosas, en ser un DUO de PSYCHOBILLY, formado por Alfonso Carlos López y M. Psycho-Trash, aunque en sus potentes directos suelen ir respaldados por un guitarra colaborador. Reseñar que también han tocado bastantes conciertos como dúo...
Como dato revelante de su Curriculum Vitae musical, señalar que el propio Alfonso Carlos López fue el batería, hasta su disoloción por falta de tiempo, de los míticos Departamento B.
Es imprescindible mencionar el hecho peculiar de que tocan sin bajo y muestran un sonido contundente, cavernícola y siniestro, con letras tipo Serie B, creando así su personal estilo de Psychobilly, que para ser más precisos lo podríamos denominar Psychobilly Trash. Sus diversas influencias musicales hacen de ellos un grupo rico en matices.
IBERIA TRASH acaba de participar en los recopilatorios internacionales de Psychobilly "Revel Without a Cause" y "High Voltage 2".
IBERIA TRASH apuesta por un Psychobilliy salvaje, siendo ya apreciados en el panorama europeo e incluso en Japón, donde se distribuyen sus discos. En España han obtenido excelentes críticas tanto en fanzines como en diferentes medios.Ellos adoran todo el R'n'R desde Elvis a Ramonetures pasando por Demented are Go!
Escuchando temas como:Surf Mutante en Tromaville, Motosierras Asesinas, Canibal, La Ostra Alienígena, comprobarás el potencial musical del grupo y su originalidad.
There are only a fistful of psychobilly bands in Spain, and OK, i can say with no doubt that Iberia Trash is the most original one of all of them. In January´ 98, after Los Motosierras split up, two of their members decided to start a new band. They were M. Psycho-Trash (guitars and lead vocals) and Alfonso Carlos López (drums,blues harp, lead and backing vocals). Alfonso Carlos also played before in the famous spanish Psychobilly-Garage band Departamento B. After listening to some musicians, they prefered being just a duo and to play wtih no bass (like early Cramps), and then, Iberia Trash was born. Their mainly influences are 50´s and 60´s R´N´R (Link Wray, Screamin´Jay Hawkins, Johnny Burnette, Sonics, Rivieras, Los Saicos, Elvis, Hasil Adkins...) and 80´s and 90´s Psychobilly and R´N´R bands ( Cramps, Meteors, Batfinks, Banane Metalik, Quakes, Godless Wicked Creeps, Tall Boys, SxTxH, Mad Sin, Ramones, Fireballs, Battle of Ninjamanz...). About of spanish bands, they like: Los Coyotes, Webelos, Desechables... They wrote some tracks and after a lot of rehearsals they got their own style, what they called Psychobilly-Trash, an energic Psychobilly with powerful guitars influenced by Surf music, B-movies, Horror and Gore films...and all the trash culture.Some of their favourite movies are: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Blue Velvet, Cannibal Holocaust, Darkness, Perdita Durango, Evil Dead, Plan 9 From Outer Space, The Night Of The Living Dead, Freaks...and many others. In Summer of 1988 they included one track in a compilation cd tribute to famous Spanish punk-pop band, Los Nikis.Iberia Trash played a cover of "Olaf El Vikingo" with elements of Godless Wicked Creeps "We Are Rockers". but the label, Brutus Discos, attributed this song to an inexistent combo named So Mill On The Bill. In 1999 Iberia Trash continued playing live and they appeared in the pages of a lot of zines from Spain and other countries. After resolving some problems, they had some stuff recorded and were looking for a label interested in their sound. Finally they signed with SG Records and in middle 2000 Iberia Trash released their first cd, appropiatly tittled "Mondo Psycho", where you can find a mighty and multifacious Psychobilly, with lyrics showing their love for the trash culture. They also included very original covers played in their own style. Now, Iberia Trash appeared in the international Psychobilly compilations "Revel Without A Cause" (Revel Yell Music) and "High Voltage Vol. 2&3" (Black Sky Records/Fiesta Germany). I´m sure you have never listened to any band like this one.Iberia Trash has an own sound, now you can prove it in Mondo Psycho. Alfonso Romero (MOON STOMPER zine) IBERIA TRASH also Like: Paul Naschy, Vampira, Elvira, Betty Page, Chiqui Martí, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Tor Johnson, X Files, Uschi Digart, Lorna Maitland, Babette Bardot, The Simpson, Boris Karloff, Tales From The Crypt, Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, The Munsters, The Addam´s Family, Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Elmer Batters, Anne Rice,Gothic Art... IBERIA TRASH´s contact:
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