Genre: Punkabilly/GlamPunk

"Ni hacemos psychobilly ni nada con billy"
Band Members : Vinila Von Bismark - Vocals, Petra Flurr - Vocals & Lyrics, David Kano - Moogs & Theremin, Juanjo Reig - Electric Guitar, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Guille Mostaza - Electric Guitar, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Synth, Tambourine, Jay Monttila - Bass, Double Bass
Genre: Punkabilly/GlamPunk

"Ni hacemos psychobilly ni nada con billy"
Band Members : Vinila Von Bismark - Vocals, Petra Flurr - Vocals & Lyrics, David Kano - Moogs & Theremin, Juanjo Reig - Electric Guitar, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Guille Mostaza - Electric Guitar, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Synth, Tambourine, Jay Monttila - Bass, Double Bass

Album: Road Movie
Year: 2008
Quality: mp3 - 192kbps
Covers: No
1.- You are mine
2.- Golden eyes knows
3.- We´re born in your city
4.- Summer Road
5.- Change
6.- The Cold Empire
7.- Breaking Doors
8.- Heilige Schrift
9.- Ride to Ride
10.- Junk love song
11.- From the darkness
12.- Train to Krakow

La espectacular cantante y bailarina de burlesque: Vinila Von Bismark.
El cantante Petra Flurr, que viene de grupos de punk underground de Berlin y que también escribe las letras de Krakovia. Llevan batería, contrabajo, dos guitarras, moogs, dos coristas orientales... La música está compuesta por David Kano (Cycle), Guille Mostaza (Ellos) y Juanjo Reig.
La publicación de su primer álbum "Road Movie" (11 temazos en inglés y una joya en alemán) está prevista para el 25 de febrero del 2008.
"Road Movie" está grabado y producido en Rec Division Studios (Madrid) por David Kano y Juanjo Reig y masterizado por Simon Davey en Exchange Studios (London), donde masterizan sus discos Depêche Mode, Justice, Maxïmo Park, Basement Jaxx, Bjork, Oasis, Stereo Mc´s, Klaxons, Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk, Kings Of Convenience, Dizzy Rascal, etc...
Las canciones,compuestas de noche, rodeadas de un ambiente de malicia enormemente seductora, van desde el punk-rock adrenalínico, contundente, de estribillos tan contagiosos y emocionantes que son casi himnos a los medios tiempos profundos, oscuros,y en los que la portentosa voz de Petra Flurr recuerda a voces escalofriantes y míticas como la de Peter Murphy (Bauhaus).
Krakovia son la superbanda del nuevo siglo: imagen poderosa, sonido estremecedor, canciones perfectas y un directo que es una experiencia de energía peligrosa y adictiva.
"Krakovia are a rock band with a star formation that seems taken from a Tarantino movie: The spectacular singer and dancer of Burlesque: vinyl Von Bismark. Flurr The singer Petra, which comes from underground punk groups from Berlin and also composed the lyrics of Krakovia.
The music was composed by David Kano (Cycle), Guille Mustard (They) and Juanjo Reig. The publication of her first album "Road Movie" (11 temazos in English and a jewel in German).
The songs, composed by night, surrounded by an atmosphere of malice immensely seductive, ranging from the punk-rock adrenaline, forceful, of infectious chorus and so exciting that they are almost anthems for the times means deep, dark, and where the portentous voice Petra Flurr reminds chilling and mythic voices like that of Peter Murphy (Bauhaus). "
La ley estipula que puedes hacer una copia de seguridad de tus discos originales por lo tanto si no dispones de ese original deberas borrar el archivo despues de 24 horas, no nos hacemos responsables de la mala utilizacion de dichos archivos. No apoyamos la pirateria, no pretendemos perjudicar a nadie con lo aqui expuesto,nos gusta la musica, por eso te pido que apoyes a tus bandas favoritas, compra sus discos, asiste a sus conciertos, participa ...
The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...
The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...

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