#Hollywood, California USA#
Genre: Horrorpunk

Album: Into The Night
Year: 2008
Quality: mp3 - VBR
Covers: No
1. The Bleeding
2. Suffer
3. Dark Life
4. Into The Night
5. Twisted Soul
6. Death Baby
7. They Have Risen
8. Sons Of New
9. Darkness Calls (Pure Evil II)

Son of Sam, la banda de Todd Youth (DGeneration, Danzig, Samhain, Murphy's Law), editará "Into the Night", su segundo disco el 16 de septiembre próximo. Ocho años después de la edición de su primer álbum, "Songs from the Earth", la banda se encuentra actualmente ensayando para su primera gira, que realizarán este otoño por Estados Unidos. De momento no hay planes para Europa. Recordemos que Son of Sam surgió cuando Todd Youth hizo la gira de reunión con Samhain, fuertemente influenciado por ese sonido, pero que nunca llegaron a girar. Como dato curioso decir que la modelo de la portada es la misma que apareció en "Songs from the Earth".
Son of Sam started as a horror rock "supergroup" side project created by Todd Youth in 2000, while playing guitar for Samhain/Danzig. Son of Sam recorded one album, which features members of Samhain, Danzig, and AFI.After nearly a 7 year absence, Son Of Sam is back.
Commented Todd Youth After doing the 3 weeks of this past Halloween tour with Danzig, Steve and I had so much fun playing together again we decided the time was right for Son Of Sam II.
Son Of Sam... returning.... 2008
Horror High, LLC is pleased to announce that they have signed one of the most influential bands in the death rock / gothic music genre, Son Of Sam.
The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...
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