How can the FMJRA not notice the foreign policy disaster that is Hopenchangen, so brilliantly juxtaposed with the domestic trainwreck that is ObamaCare?
We can report that, if they fire the jets at the right moment, and go beyond, just exactly what will happen. They will reach Boston. You know, more than aphelion:
Code Redeye:
- That's Right delivers the goods. He who shot a video of Death with the try-dumb-virate. Then there is a 148 picture gallery.
- Instapundit, some Tennessee blogger from whom we'd like to hear more, noted the report.
- Fischersville Mike picked up mine and The Journey's report, as well.
- Rhetorican linked it.
- Little Miss Attila picked up the Tabitha Hale clip. Have courage and long underwear, ye patriots.
- American Power reviewed the Patterico/Goldstien situation, which actually seems less serious than DD's with EDK.
- The Camp of the Saints picked up the post.
- Mulieris Dignitatem also linked it.
- Dustbury liked my envisioned scene.
- Valley of the Shadow prompted the whole thing.
- Rightofcourse picked up on the boycotting of Connecticut post, with related linkage here..
- Little Miss Attila surveys. You know you're a big-time blogger when Gerard is your first comment:
vanderleun said:
LMA here also.
December 13th, 2009 at 8:36 am
I looked at that whole kerfuffle and the only things I could see was
1) Paterico is caught in the trap of “I’m wrong but I can’t get out or back out so I’ll dig in deeper and deeper and assert more and more assertions.”
2) Paterico is building a gigantic ball of horse manure and expects everyone to chew through it or else. Sort of a Johnsonian bit of business without the outright banning. (I decline this menu.)
3) Patrico believes he can read minds. Sorry, Pat, but not
sold. - Left Coast Rebel viewed Stacy's consumption by wolves with shock and horror.
- Protein Wisdom, the half of the argument we support, continues the battle.
- Villainous Company weighs in.
- Obi's Sister also linked the tragic wolf dinner.
- A Conservative Shemale reports on the lefty reaction.
- At the Point of a Gun wonders about collusion in some blog wars.
- A Political Glimpse from Ireland had a good thread on the topic.
- Troglopundit's ongoing spectacle with No Sheeples Here remains a terrifying descent into blogospheric atrocity.
Interestingly, I was just over in England at one of the RAF bases where Gable is said to have operated during his explosive landscaping phase. Supposedly the Reich put a bounty on him, and it was deemed to great a propaganda risk to have that smile flying about, risking disaster.
- Atlas Shrugs picked up the AmSpec piece.
- Villainous Company:
For men are truly at their best when they are protecting those they love. Just as men wish for a woman who is demure and proper in public but will turn on the fireworks just for him, we ladies can't resist a guy who is strong and independent in public but reserves his tender side for the woman he loves.
- Belvedere enjoyed the Gable post, with a segue into wedding congratulations.
- Mulieris Dignitatem also echoed the sentiment.
- Carol's Closet offered congratulations.
- The Sundries Shack offered additional thoughts.
- Piece of Work in Progress shares our cynical view of the ruling.
- The Rhetorican: "Judge Gone Wild"
- Piece of Work in Progress: "Who is to say that in Cablinasian society it is considered bad form to prefer buxom blondes, or to enjoy threesomes behind one's wife's back, fueled by booze, Ambien and Cialis?"
- Bob Belvedere announces that he is beavering away on "Misunderstandings Of The Cablinasian Habit Of Tapping Botoxed Women" for the nternet Department of Cablinasian Studies. Let us hope PETA doesn't step on his tale.
- Left Coast Rebel had a great post, also noting that this bill contains HR 1207, which merits a stand-alone vote.
- The Camp of the Saints had further thoughts on the matter.
- Political Byline offered up a "Heh".
- Saberpoint: "Shatner looks slightly bemused but utterly stunned by this turn of events!"
- So it Goes in Shreveport
- Blogprof: Sat, Sun, Mon, Fri
- No Sheeples Here, and also here.
- Fischersville Mike
- The Reaganite Republican Resistance, also here
- Paco Enterprises
- A Conservative Shemale
- Rightofcourse
- Left Coast Rebel
- Smash Mouth Politics gives us the bump for traffic received.
- Rightofcourse linked the Hive Mind review.
- The Daley Gator gave a QOTD for a Brooks riff.
- The House of Eratosthenes linked the Green Pope post.
- The Sundries Shack comes in affirmative on fisticuffs.
- Jumping in Pools linked the Webb post.
- Paco Enterprises picked up the "Republicans are mean spirited; Democrats, on the other hand, are just telling it like it is" post.
- Daily Pundit picked up the Ray Stevens we'd thugged from Stogie.
- The Camp of the Saints picked up on the Rhand Welsch post at AmSpec. Also the anti-Lowry/pro-Goldberg rant. Great graphic, BTW.
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