Saturday, December 19, 2009

Listen here, Troglo-wog

by Smitty

You have to admire the gills on a guy who'd plant a post like Why is Carol trying to discredit Stacy McCain?, and then set about discrediting me, by way of collateral damage.
She wants us to notice that his closest colleague – his co-blogger at The Other McCain – is a Navy man. And you know about those Navy men…y’know, how they get all celebratory about things like crossing the equator.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. If that’s who you are, that’s okay by me. I’m not one to judge.
Yes, I am, indeed a Trusty Shellback. It's what you do when you swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. To discover the latter have taken over.

Furthermore, as I have already posted at length, Stacy is a Wide Supra-Machinist, not a 'White Inferioritist', despite the emotional damage caused by the fact that Allah hates him.

So, until your stanky polliwog-ness finds a way to matriculate a proper shellback initiation, I'll leave you to your sly insinuations and Danica Patrick worship, miscreant.

Update: No Sheeples Here has played the feared "dweeb" card.

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