Rule 5 Sunday, where I will not mention Political Stuff, which, thankfully, seems to have toned down the Tiger Woods reporting.
- WyBlog kicks us off (why not?) with snow, bikinis, and Santa hats.
- Bombs and Dollars has hotties on cots, and a look at future hospital food a la China. Then an Israeli-looking hottie with a rifle.
- For the ladies, Mulieris Dignitatem had a roundup of proto-Stacy Clark Gable shots from GWTW.
- Three Beers Later has Nicole Lloyd, his usual Juliana Moreira fix (have I been doing this post too long?), and The Women of Curling, who are a sight better than the odd-fingered Women of Noodling which we cannot show for reasons of taste.
- The Classic Liberal has Denise Milani telling you about human rights.
- Power Line Brings you great moments in near Rule 5-ery. And Miss Gibraltar getting a piece of the rawk.
- Viral Footage has a Scottie hottie engaging in a bit of Chevy Chase-ism.
- Paco Enterprises brings us Nan Wynn.
- The Camp of the Saints, as usual, packs the heat:
- SI VIS PACEM reaches for the Boris Vallejo.
- Fischersville Mike brings the Christmas cheerleaders.
- Rightofcourse sees the Christmas cheerleaders, and raises Villanova.
- Yankee Phil reports that neither he, nor Jessica Simpson, had sex with Tiger.
- Nation of Cowards has the seasonal take on matters.
- Dustbury, long-time footwear aficionado, has Alyssa Milano, that un-Tweeting siren.
- Point of a Gun reviews characters in Twilight, and then has an amusing dialogue between two of them.
- Ace of Spades has Tricorner Hat Girl, of Tea Party fame.
- We'll let the female readers (who may not give this post the attention it craves) weigh in on whether Flea is Rule 5 material. Even if Stacy would have visions of target practice were Flea to have courted his daughter, the guy plays a mean bass.
- Three Beers Later notes the passing of Jennifer Jones.
- Proof Positive nominates Lake Bell for Friday Night babe.
- A Conservative Shemale clears up the Cory Everson mystery.
- Jeffords brings the snow babes.
- Smash Mouth Politics has the not-snow babes.
- Left Coast Rebel rounded up the hens after the divorce news. Can I say that? Is it sexist? Is it making light of a sordid situation? He featured Theresa Rogers, too.
That's your Rule 5 Sunday. It looks like the nor'easter may have put a blanket of snow on submissions this week. Keep the cheesecake coming, people.
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