Monday, December 14, 2009

Texas: Palin/Perry vs. Armey/Hutchison?

A rumor about Sarah Palin's plans -- whether she will personally campaign in Texas for Gov. Rick Perry, whom she endorsed in February -- caused me to get my "Eastern panties in a wad," to quote one American Spectator blog commenter.

Erick Erickson, a Perry supporter, is sanguine, whereas I'm concerned about Palin becoming involved in a feud with supporters of Perry's challenger, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. As explained at the American Spectator:
Hutchison is strongly supported by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, a Texan whose FreedomWorks organization has been directly involved with the Tea Party movement. Armey actively campaigned for Hoffman in the NY23, and a Palin endorsement of Perry would in effect divide an emerging conservative alliance.
During the NY23 campaign, I asked Armey off-the-record about the Perry-Hutchison race, and since it was I who stipulated that it was off the record, I'm not going to characterize his response. At any rate, one of Perry's supporters added this comment at the Spectator blog:
KBH is a huge RINO like Scozzafava who recently earned "Porker of the Month" from Citizens Against Government Waste and was named a "Republican Big Spender" by the Club for Growth. Hutchison is pro-choice. She voted FOR global warming legislation earlier this year. She skipped two ACORN votes. She skipped the partial birth abortion ban vote in 2003. She voted for Hilda Solis and Obama's National Service plan.
That commenter linked to anti-KBH site Washington Kay. Maybe I'm placing too much weight on Armey being pro-KBH. At any rate, I think Palin could be much more helpful if, as also rumored, she campaigns for Marco Rubio in Florida, as I Twittered to Eric Erickson:
@ewerickson If Palin would just make a 2- or 3-day swing for Rubio soon (i.e., between Christmas and Jan. 1) that would make HUGE difference
BTW, it was my Twitter friend Cubachi who clarified that Palin had already endorsed Perry. In the newspaper business, there was always the copy desk to catch my stupid screw-ups. In the blogosphere, that's the job of commenters. Thanks.

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