havent seen this anywhere + for those into the whole NYC crossover era this is a real gem""
tommy christ sent this cassette to me over 20 years ago sadly its never been released ,,Ludichrist would go on to record 2 proper albums after this and a live one at CBGB's.the band then morphed into a band called Scatterbrain.
one thing i always remember bout ludichrist was their attention to detail {killer artwork} not to mention their supreme musicianship .executing short blasts of tampon sipping metallic fury along the likes of the crumbsuckers and the like in NYC 1985/86.
be sure to track down their first LP as it is a classic in the genre,
and dont forget.....>>...""most people are dicks"

cassette demo ripped @320
file under: crossover classics edition
1] Young White And Well Behaved
2] Most People Are Dicks
3] Only As Directed
4] God Is Everywhere
5] Murder Bloody Murder
6] Government Kids
7] Tylenol
8] Fssbs
9] Mengele
10] Immaculate Deception
11] Corpse
12] Big Business
13] Arms Of Christ/Down With The Ship
14] God Is Everywhere (Take #2)
15] Most People R Dicks (Take #2)

Ludichrist - Mediafire
Ludichrist - Megaupload
Ludichrist - Rapidshare

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