Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Metal 666

Cover 666

A plastic cover as a metal window well cover will provide safety and security to your home. We all take precautions for the safety and security of our homes. The obvious safety measures are smoke detectors, alarm systems, locks and deadbolts, gates, and security spotlights. Often we do household maintenance for safety like cleaning and treating patios and decks, cleaning spouting and sealing driveways. Unfortunately, there are areas of the home that are not protected as well as they should be. The open metal window well is often left uncovered.

Keeping the exterior of our homes as safe as possible is always a priority. An open metal-window well attracts animals that can get trapped and cause destruction to your home. These small animals may also parish in the well and create an unsanitary situation with disease and strong odors. Installing a metal-window well cover will secure the open well.
Safety is also our priority when it comes to avoiding potential injuries around the home. Open metal-window wells cause a safety hazard in most situations. It is easy for a child, an elderly adult or an unfamiliar guest to accidentally misstep into a well and cause injury. Installing a plastic cover as a metal-window well cover over the open well will secure the area and protect from human injuries.
For the protection your home and to create a safe and secure environment, install a plastic cover as a metal-window well cover over your existing open well.

Berfoto Bareng Kungfu Panda di Universal Studios

Dengan harga S$ 66 (sekitar Rp 457 ribu) untuk hari kerja dan S$ 72 untuk akhir pekan dan hari libur, tiket Universal Studios bisa dibeli langsung di loket atau lewat Internet. Saya membeli tiket lewat Internet untuk mengantisipasi kehabisan kuota, karena jumlah pengunjung per hari memang dibatasi.

Hal pertama yang saya lakukan ketika di sana adalah berfoto-foto di depan bola dunia raksasa di depan gerbang. Setelah itu, berlanjut ke kawasan pertama: Hollywood — yang tentu saja lengkap dengan tulisan “Hollywood” berwarna putih. Saat menyusuri kawasan ini, berbagai suvenir yang imut dan keren sangat menggoda. Sayangnya, super mahal!

Sepanjang jalan disulap menyerupai Hollywood Boulevard di LA, lengkap dengan lampu jalan klasik, pohon-pohon palem dan jalan setapak penuh bintang “Walk of Fame”. Ada juga replika Pantages Theater.

Tidak sampai seratus meter, suasana jalan sudah berubah, sebagai pertanda pengunjung memasuki kawasan New York. Musik, lampu dan desain bangunan pun berganti. Kali ini warna bangunan lebih gelap. Terdengar alunan musik jazz dan terkadang, asap mengepul dari bawah.

Di sebelah kiri jalan, terdapat gedung bernama LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!. Di dalamnya, kita bisa menyaksikan jalannya produksi sebuah film — lengkap dengan adegan dramatis dan efek khusus. Bagi saya, gedung ini sangat keren bagi para peminat film karena menghibur sekaligus bahan referensi yang bagus. Apalagi, Steven Spielberg yang jadi pemandunya.

Atraksi terbesar di kawasan Sci-Fi adalah Battlestar Galactica. Ini adalah dua roller coaster yang memiliki rute berlawanan arah. Kita bisa memilih naik kereta Battlestar Human atau Cyclon. Di titik tertinggi rel, dua roller coster ini akan saling berhadapan seolah-olah akan bertabrakan meski cuma beberapa detik. Sangat mendebarkan jantung.

Selain Battlestar, Universal Studios menawarkan banyak pilihan roller coaster di kawasan lain misalnya Ancient Egypt. Roller coaster di kawasan yang dekorasinya mengundang decak kagum ini bernama Revenge of the Mummy. Pengunjung diajak berputar-putar di ruang super gelap sehingga tidak tahu kejutan apa yang akan muncul di depan mata. Mirip permainan Space Mountain di Disneyland Hong Kong.

Jika sudah lelah, kita bisa mengaso sebentar di pusat makanan Discovery di kawasan Lost World. Dengan patung dua dinosaurus beserta beberapa telur di antara air mancur, makan siang di sini terasa seperti makan siang di sarang dinosaurus.

Sama halnya seperti di Dunia Fantasi atau taman hiburan di negara lain, harga makanan dan minumannya pun mahal, sekitar S$10. Tapi berhubung perut super keroncongan, saya lupa berhitung dan langsung memesan.

Permainan di kawasan Lost World terbagi dua, yakni di taman Jurassic Park dan Water World. Anda bisa mencoba Canopy Flyer (yang mirip Ontang-Anting di Dunia Fantasi) dan berputar mengelilingi kawasan Lost World.

Ada pula Dino-Soarin, Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure dan WaterWorld. Semua gratis. Tetapi jika ingin panjat tebing di Amber Rock Climb, Anda harus membayar biaya tambahan S$ 10.

Jika tidak mau berbasah-basah, Anda sebaiknya menghindari permainan Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure dan sebagai gantinya, menonton atraksi stunt seru di WaterWorld. Diadakan tiga kali sehari (12.00, 14.00, 16.30 waktu setempat), atraksi ini menampilkan adegan-adegan berbahaya yang seolah menyerap kita dalam kobaran api dan tumpahan air.

Sementara itu, di kawasan paling populer Far Far Away, kita bisa mengejar pertunjukan Donkey Live di istana Shrek, serta film Shrek 4D Adventure. Berbeda dengan kawasan lainnya, dua atraksi di kawasan Far Far Away ini tidak berbentuk permainan yang membutuhkan energi ekstra. Kita hanya tinggal duduk dan menonton di ruang berpendingin udara. Tempat lain untuk mengaso sejenak.

Kawasan terakhir yang saya kunjungi adalah Madagascar, tempat rumah Shrek. Atraksi di kawasan ini lagi-lagi roller coaster — yang bernama Enchanted Airways. Bedanya, roller coaster yang ini tidak bikin jantung berdebar.

Satu hal yang wajib dilakukan saat Anda berkunjung ke Universal Studios Singapura adalah berfoto bareng karakter-karakter film seperti Puss In Boots, empat karakter di Madagascar — Alex, Marty, Melman dan Gloria — dan karakter paling culun tapi super kawaii Kungfu Panda.

Dan tentunya, sebelum pulang, sempatkanlah berkeliling toko cendera mata yang imut dan keren di kawasan Hollywood untuk mencari oleh-oleh.

Tersambar Petir, 40 orang Bangladesh Tewas

Petir telah menjadi pembunuh menakutkan di Bangladesh. Selama musim hujan, sedikitnya tercatat 40 orang di Bangladesh tewas akibat sambaran petir. Demikian dinyatakan kepolisian Bangladesh, Selasa (24/5).
Sambaran petir ini jug melukai sedikitnya 150 orang. Kasus sambaran petir yang menimbulkan korban ini kebanyakan dialami petani yang sedang bekerja di sawah dan nelayan di laut.

Senin (23/5), sambaran petir menewaskan 10 orang di distrik Chapainawabganj, barat laut Bangladesh. Ini merupakan korban tewas akibat sambaran petir terbanyak dalam satu hari.

Hujan lebat menjelang awal musim hujan yang dimulai Mei atau Juni kerap kali membawa badai listrik yang berpotensi menimbulkan petir. Tidak hanya membunuh manusia, sambaran petir yang mengandung arus listrik ini juga kerap merusak tanaman.

Video Cara Merakit Sepeda Fixie Murah dari Sepeda Balap Lama

Sepeda Balap Lama Bagian Satu. Ingin punya Sepeda Fixie Murah tapi budget terbatas? Jangan takut, rakit Sepeda Fixie kamu sendiri, dijamin gak akan bikin kantong bolong dan kepuasannya jauh lebih hebat ketimbang kamu beli Sepeda fixie yang siap pakai.

Hewan-hewan Unik yang Ditemukan 2010

Bacterium (Halomonas titanicae)

Setiap tahun spesies-spesies hewan baru ditemukan. Banyak di antaranya memiliki keunikan yang khas dan tak ditemukan sebelumnya.

Pada 2010, beberapa spesies menarik berhasil ditemukan oleh para ilmuwan. Ada yang bisa berpendar seperti lampu, ada yang melahap besi, ada pula yang mampu menghasilkan bahan yang lebih kuat dari kevlar. Berikut ini spesies-spesies unik 2010 yang berhasil dihimpun oleh situs LiveScience.

1. Jamur Bioluminescent 

Jamur bercahaya ini ditemukan di habitat hutan Atlantic dan dikumpulkan di Sao Paulo Brazil. Jamur kecil ini berdiameter kurang dari 8 mm dengan diameter topi yang lebih kecil dari 2 cm.

Bioluminescent Mushroom (Mycena luxaeterna) Common name: Eternal light mushroom
Ia memiliki batang yang terlapis oleh gel, dan mampu memendarkan cahaya hijau kekuningan. Profesor Biologi dari San Francisco State University yang menemukan jamur ini, Dennis Desjardin menamakan spesies ini Mycena luxaeterna (cahaya abadi). Diperkirakan, ada sekitar 1,5 juta spesies jamur di bumi. Hanya 71 di antaranya yang merupakan jamur yang dapat berrcahaya.

2. Laba-laba Darwin's Bark Spider

Hewan ini berasal dari Madagaskar, dan dinamakan Caerostris darwini. Laba-laba ini terkenal dengan jaring buatannya yang begitu besar dan panjang serta kuat. Jaring laba-laba ini bisa merentang hingga 25 meter.


Salah satu contohnya, ia bisa merentang di atas sebuah sungai di Madagaskar dengan lebih dari 30 serangga yang terjebak di jaring tersebut. Tak cuma panjang, namun jaring laba-laba ini juga dua kali lebih kuat dari jaring laba-laba lain dan 10 kali lebih kuat dari bahan kevlar berukuran sama.

3. Bakteri Titanic

Ini adalah bakteri yang ditemukan oleh para ilmuwan dari Dalhousie University Kanada dan University of Sevilla Spanyol pada bangkai kapal RMS Titanic.

Bacterium (Halomonas titanicae)

Bakteri dengan nama latin Halomonas titanicae itu mengkonsumsi besi dan baja, ditemukan melekat di permukaan sisa-sisa Titanic yang tenggelam di Samudra Atlantik.

4. Biawak Sierra Madre

Biasa disebut biawak tutul emas atau biawak Sierra Madre Forest, kadal raksasa ini ditemukan di hutan Sierra Madre di Pulau Luzon Filipina.

Monitor Lizard (Varanus bitatawa) Common name: Sierra Madre Forest Monitor or Golden Spotted Monitor

Biawak bernama latin Varanus bitatawa itu, memiliki bobot sekitar 10 kg dan panjang sekitar 2 meter, dan sehari-harinya menghabiskan waktunya di pepohonan dan memakan buah-buahan.

5. Lintah Tiran

Lintah ini ditemukan di Peru, pada selaput rongga hidung seseorang. Memiliki panjang 5 cm, hewan penghisap darah ini memiliki rahang tunggal dan gigi-gigi yang besar.

Leech (Tyrannobdella rex)

Ia dinamakan Tyrannobdella rex (artinya: raja lintah tiran). Setidaknya kini ada 700 spesies lintah yang telah diteliti. Diperkirakan masih ada lebih dari 10 ribu spesies lintah di dunia ini.

6. Jamur Bawah Air

Underwater Mushroom (Psathyrella aquatica)

Ilmuwan menemukan spesies anyar jamur yang mampu hidup di bawah air. Jamur yang diberi nama Psathyrella aquatica ini hidup di dalam sungai Rogue River Oregon Amerika Serikat. Ajaibnya, jamur ini memiliki insang dan mampu berbuah di dalam air.

7. Ikan Pancake Batfish

Ikan ini merupakan spesies yang terkena imbas dari bencana tumpahnya minyak di Teluk Meksiko tahun lalu. Menyandang nama latin Halieutichthys intermedius, ikan ini hidup di wilayah perairan dalam.

Ikan Pancake Batfish

Dengan bentuk tubuhnya yang ceper seperti kue serabi, ikan ini memiliki gerakan yang aneh. Lebih mirip melompat dengan siripnya di sepanjang dasar laut, ketimbang berenang.

Tornado Missouri Sudah Tewaskan 116 Orang

Korban tewas akibat tornado di Joplin, Missouri terus bertambah. Kabar terakhir korban topan dahsyat ini menelan 116 orang. Topan tersebut juga memporakporandakan pusat kota kecil di Mildwestern, dengan merobek atap rumah sakit dan menghancurkan ribuan rumah serta tempat usaha.

Para petugas gawat darurat, Senin (23/5), mengatakan 116 orang tewas dan sebanyak 400 orang lagi cedera. Menurut pejabat setempat, banyak korban menderita luka dalam yang parah.
Awak bagian gawat darurat melakukan pencarian sepanjang malam dan menembus badai yang disertai hujan lebat pada Senin untuk menemukan penyintas. "Tujuh orang telah diselamatkan," kata Gubernur Missouri Jay Nixon.

"Kami percaya ada orang yang masih hidup di bawah puing dan kami akan berusaha dengan keras melakukan pencarian untuk menjangkau mereka," kata Nixon.

Beberapa warga yang selamat menceritakan kisah mengerikan mengenai angin dengan kecepatan 306-318 kilometer per jam di tempat pendingin di restoran dan toko, dan mereka bersembunyi di bak mandi serta toilet [baca: Tornado Kembali Terjang AS, Puluhan Tewas]. Tornado itu juga membuat warga ketakutan sambil berlarian.

"Kami terkena batu dan saya bahkan tak tahu apa yang mengenai diri saya," kata Leslie Swatosh (22), yang meringkuk di lantai toko minuman bersama beberapa orang lagi. Mereka saling berpegang tangan dan berdoa.

Ketika tornado lewat, toko tersebut hancur tapi semua orang yang berada di dalamnya selamat. "Setiap orang di dalam toko bersyukur. Tak ada yang tersisa di toko itu," katanya.
Beberapa topan lain dengan kekuatan besar diramalkan akan menerjang wilayah tersebut. Tahun ini diduga bakal mencatat tornado sangat kuat di beberapa negara bagian.

Yang menambah sulit upaya penyelamatan ialah tiang listrik roboh, saluran gas pecah sehingga memicu kebakaran, dan komunikasi telepon genggam terganggu akibat 17 menara telepon tumbang.

Kristin Cavallari Shops Melinda Maria Jewelry

Sporting her sparkling new diamond along the way, Kristin Cavallari headed to do a little shopping in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday afternoon (May 24).

The former "Hills" hottie opted for an effortlessly classic look, wearing a collared white shirt, blue jeans and a pair of nude heels as she hit up Melinda Maria for some new bling.

Brody on Kim’s Big News: My Sister’s Engaged?

Looks like Brody Jenner did not receive the inside scoop on step-sister Kim Kardashian‘s engagement to Kris Humphries. He found out the exciting news with the rest of the world this morning!

“My sister is engaged? Hahaha I had no idea!!.. Crazy being in such a big family.. Congrats @Kimkardashian love you. Let’s celebrate soon” Brody Tweeted earlier today.

He also directed a special message at Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian:

“@KourtneyKardash @khloekardashian Why don’t you guys ever fill me in? Haha no text or anything?” he quipped on Twitter, and his sisters were apologetic.

“I thought kim would have?! LOL I die for u! @BrodyJenner” Khloe Tweeted, followed by, “Yes @BrodyJenner our family is getting way too big! LOL let’s all celebrate together!”

Credit: OK! Magazine (Brittany Talarico)

Whitney Eve Spring 2012 -- Watercolor Florals NY caught up with The City alum Whitney Port at Coca-Cola's 125th birthday event and the launch of its commemorative book with Assouline. She talked about the progress of her fashion line, Whitney Eve, and revealed her summer must-haves. 

Tell us what’s new with your fashion line Whitney Eve?

I’m working on my spring collection right now, Spring 2012, and just gearing that up for fashion week. I think the collection has grown a lot and I can’t wait to show it. 

Any hints on what it’s going to look like?

There are a lot of florals in the collection, watercolor florals.

What’s the most challenging part of being a designer?

I don’t have any formal technical training in fashion. I just kind of went into it blind. I’m just trying to learn through the process. It’s definitely not easy, but I am proud to say that I think I have grown a lot as a designer since I started. 

What's on your summer must-haves list?

A good bathing suit. Scarves, you can wear them with anything. A pair of fun sandals. I am loving Missoni Havaianas right now. I have every pair. 

What summer trends are you loving right now?

I am always just into cut-off jean shorts and a white tee-shirt. You really can’t go wrong with that.

Credit: Thread NY

S.V.E.S.T. - Scarification of Soul

Año: 1998
Genero: Black Metal
Pais: Francia
Lyrical themes: Satanism

1.The Black Art
2.Reminiscence of An Ancient Prophecy

Moontower – Spirits of the Antichrist

Año: 2011
Genero: Black Metal
Pais: Polonia
Lyrical themes: Anti-christianity, Apocalypse

2.Antichrist "Ubermensch"
3 The harvest
4.The Lair
5.Tempted by fullmoon
6.Eternal Harmony
7.You will fail
8 Outro

Kendra Wilkinson: Happy With Her Size For Now Wilkinson got more than just 6th place on Dancing With the Stars -- she got her former body back! "I feel like I look so much better than I used to!" Kendra reveals during her exclusive Life & Style photo shoot. "I was a size 2 or 4 before Dancing With the Stars and now I'm a size 0. My waist is still shrinking! When you work out, you produce so much lactic acid, so my body always looks thicker and more muscular. Now that I've had a couple of weeks off, my body is fuller and looks better. I hope I'll look like this forever. But to be honest, I will never be satisfied!"

Kendra reveals that a combination of Ab Cuts' fat-burning supplements and a diet of natural foods helped to keep her fit. "Ab Cuts and fruits and veggies are my answer," Kendra explains. "When you're eating bad, you end up getting bacteria overgrowth. When you eat well, your body naturally cleanses itself."

The former Girl Next Door publicly struggled to reclaim her famous Playboy body following son Hank's December 2009 birth where she gained 60 pounds of baby weight. Although she's dropped the weight, it hasn't stopped her from thinking about baby no. 2. "I'm worried about gaining the weight back," she says to Life & Style. "but motherhood is worth it."

So what will be different next time? "I've learned my lesson with the first child," Kendra says. "I'm determined to be healthier and treat my body better." Hubby Hank Baskett is just as excited for her new toned body. "Hank loves my new body," she tells Life & Style. "He says this is the most beautiful I've ever looked." And while Hank can't wait to add onto their growing family, for now the two are reconnecting in the bedroom. "He's ready [for another baby], but we're just having fun being young parents to Hank for now," she adds.

Credit: Life & Style

Whitney Port's Coca-Cola Celebration

She always enjoys a good shindig, and Whitney Port was spotted at the Assouline celebration of the publication of “Coca-Cola” in New York City last night (May 24).

The former “City” hottie looked fabulous in a beige summer dress with a fringed hemline as she posed for the paparazzi inside the IAC Building.

Khloe 'Beyond Happy' over Kim's Engagement

She kept it a secret for a week. But now Khloe Kardashian can finally gush about her sister Kim Kardashian's engagement to Kris Humphries.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to be able to say this… KIM IS ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!" Khloe, 26, writes on her blog. "OMG! It feels soooo good to finally let the secret out."

Khloe, who married Los Angeles Lakers forward Lamar Odom in 2009, is thrilled that Kim, 30, is preparing to follow her down the aisle with her own NBA beau.

"Congratulations to my beautiful big sister Kim on finding the love of your life! Seeing you this happy makes all of us BEYOND happy and my face literally hurts from smiling," Khloe writes.

To Humphries, 26, who plays for the New Jersey Nets, Khloe writes: "We're all truly blessed to have met you. Here's to a perfect future together. I love you both!"

It's early for wedding planning, but Khloe is ready. "Just in case you have the urge to throw a wedding together in 30 days let me know," she writes. "I'm really good at putting together a quick, fabulous wedding LOL."

Credit: PEOPLE (Tim Nudd)

Shocking before and after images reveal how giant tornado ripped apart Joplin's city landmarks


The aftermath: A 198mph tornado tore a path a mile wide and six miles long straight through Joplin, Missouri devastating all in its wake

Devastating 198mph tornado tore a path a mile wide and six miles long straight through Joplin, Missouri

Deadliest single tornado in more than 60 years with at least 125 people killed

1,500 people still remain unaccounted for, according to fire officials

'This is a very serious situation brewing,' warns Storm Prediction Center as forecasters say city could be hit again

Tornado was rare 'multivortex' twister, reveals National Weather Service

Obama to visit region on Sunday as he says tornado was 'devastating and heartbreaking'

The way things used to be: This Google Street Map view shows the same place as the above picture, before the horrific tornado struck

As shell-shocked residents of tornado-hit Joplin braced themselves for another powerful storm system this evening, new aerial images emerged showing in terrifying detail the path of the twister which destroyed the Missouri city.

The shocking photos reveal for the first time the true extent of the damage caused when the mile-wide tornado that killed at least 122 people blasted much of the city off the map and slammed straight into its hospital.

Forecasters warned residents on Tuesday to prepare themselves for a looming storm system that has all the early signs of spawning more deadly tornadoes.

Devastated: Aerial photo shows 26th street, the main route through the centre of Joplin, Missouri. On the right is St Mary's elementary school

Housing: Whole residential neighbourhoods were destroyed by the powerful tornado when it went straight through the centre of the city that has has 50,000 people

Tonight the stunned residents of Joplin faced the horrifying possibility of more storms - but a tornado warning was cancelled later in the evening.

‘This is a very serious situation brewing,’ said Russell Schneider, director of the Storm Prediction Center.

About 1,500 people are still unaccounted for, it was announced Tuesday, leading to fears that the death count could rise much higher.

Tonight tornadoes touched down in Kansas and Oklahoma - including one on the outskirts of Oklahoma City, which reportedly tore a 50-mile long path through rush-hour traffic.

Blown away: The remains of this apartment block surround what was once a swimming pool. Around 2,000 homes are thought to have been destroyed

Closed for business: The Home Depot do-it-yourself store was where many dead bodies have been recovered. Many of the shop shelves are still intact though

Grocery store: The city's Walmart superstore is barely recognisable in this photo from after Sunday's tornado that killed over 100 people

Shopping mall: This line of shops was severely damaged by the storm system when it struck on Sunday evening at around 6pm

Hospital: The St John's Medical Center was at the heart of the tornado's path through the city. Hundreds of patients had to be evacuated

Fire chief Robert Daus said that 500 people had been injured by the tornado, in addition to the 1,500 people who remain unaccounted for.

But he said the high number of people still recorded as missing could be a reflection of the widespread breakdown of communication systems in the city.

Thunderstorms that are moving across southeast Kansas, central Oklahoma and north Texas this afternoon are forecast to move into the Joplin area between 10pm and 2am tonight.

Destroyed: This incredible aerial image reveals how the tornado tore off the roof of Joplin's Home Depot

Flattened: This aerial photograph shows the scale of the destruction to the Home Depot store

Flattened: Damage is seen a day after the tornado tore through Joplin killing at least 122 people in Joplin, a town of about 50,000

Decimation: Residential buildings are shown flattened in this aerial shot over Joplin

Razed to the ground: Joplin's Walmart store was completely destroyed by Sunday's devastating twister

Wasteland: The horror of Sunday's tornado is laid bare by this harrowing panoramic shot of Joplin

Horseshoe: A destroyed neighbourhood is seen in Joplin on Tuesday after a big tornado moved through much of the city

Ruins: The winding path of the devastating tornado is seen in this aerial picture of Joplin, Missouri

Savaged: The path of the powerful tornado is seen in an aerial photo over Joplin, Missouri

Destroyed: The tornado ruined thousands of houses in Joplin, Missouri

From the sky: Uprooted trees and building without roofs lie devastated in Joplin, Missouri after the tornado hit on Sunday

Flattened: Members of Missouri Task Force One search-and-rescue team work at the tornado-damaged Home Depot store in Joplin

Shock: Joplin residents are still coming to terms with the loss of their homes as rescue workers continue efforts to find survivors

Recovery: Beverly Winans, left, Debbie Spurlin and Austin Spurlin look for what they can salvage from their home after it was destroyed

Lost: Carra Reed looks at a friends home that was destroyed when the massive tornado passed through Joplin, Missouri

Missing: Rescue workers and neighbours search for victims and survivors

The President says he wants Midwesterners whose lives were disrupted by the deadly storms last weekend to know that the federal government will use all resources at its disposal to help them recover and rebuild.

Obama spoke in London, the second stop on his four-country, six-day tour of Europe.

Obama is due back in Washington Saturday night.

Little hope: Ryan Harper pauses in the shadow of a splintered tree as he searches for a missing friend after who may have been pulled away by the twister

A time for coming together: A couple drenched by the heavy rain walk arm-in-arm towards a building ravaged by the killer storm, and right, a woman whose life has been shattered overnight by the tornado breaks down in tears and has to be comforted by a friend

Frantic: Volunteers claw through the rubble in search of survivors, but grey storm clouds loom overhead threatening to disrupt the efforts

'Heartbreaking': Barack Obama, speaking in London today, vowed to visit Missouri on Sunday to console victims

President Barack Obama called Nixon after details of teh tragedy emergedand offered his condolences to those affected, assuring the governor that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would provide whatever assistance was needed.

'Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the families of all those who lost their lives in the tornadoes and severe weather that struck Joplin, Missouri, as well as communities across the Midwest today,' the President said in a statement sent from Air Force One as he flew to Europe.

'We commend the heroic efforts by those who have responded and who are working to help their friends and neighbours at this very difficult time.'

New dawn: The sun rises over devastated Joplin on Tuesday as the search for survivors continues

Heartache: Two women fight back the tears as they hug in front of a house ripped apart by the tornado. In a symbolic show of strength, the U.S. flag flies from a tree behind them

Wiped off the landscape: Meghan Miller stands in the middle of a destroyed neighbourhood as she checks on her sister-in-law's home, which only days before had stood in the same spot

source: dailymail