Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are we on about for the State of the Union on 20Jan?

by Smitty

Yeah, yeah: Christmas/Hanukkah/Quonset. I know. However, That's Right just tweeted me about the National Strike being called, concurrent with the State of the Union on 20Jan.

Also, not to put her on the spot or anything, but I've contacted another infamous "right wing extremist" sort of person who was at the Kill the Bill rally before the Cash for Cloture vote, to see if she's cooking up any sort of group love note for the good POTUS.

I, for one, think a few thousand patriots on the Mall with hand made signs all saying "YOU LIE" would be a message simple enough for even a slack-jawed Lefty.

ASIDE: the Wordpress changeover is in progress. Apologies in advance if some comments get orphaned. This blog's XML download is fat enough to be mistaken for...nah, picking on a woman whose name rhymes with Nosy Modonell would be beneath the dignity of this blog. We're waaay to classy for that sort of cheap shot, except on days ending in the letter 'y'.

Update: Insta-lanch
If you're needing a belly laugh, try:

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