Álbum / Album: Negative Megalomania
Ano / Year: 2007
Tipo / Type: Full-length
Rótulo / Label: Avantgarde Music
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Black/Doom Metal
País / Country: Italy
Qualidade / Quality: Lossless (+Flac +Cue +Covers)
Grandeza / Size: 431.69 MB

After three celebrated albums – two for Adipocere, one for Selbstmord – Italian suicide-metallers FORGOTTEN TOMB return with their bravest, most honest statement to date, fourth album Negative Megalomania. Long regarded as heirs apparent to early Bethlehem and Katatonia, on their latest album FORGOTTEN TOMB acknowledge no masters but themselves. Their destiny is laid out before them, and while that path is forever paved with misery and woe, they choose to rise above the self in the ultimate act of intense reflection/negation.
Reflective, then, of the band performing live more regularly on the mainland, the aptly titled Negative Megalomania takes risks when it very well shouldn’t and yet the results prove more provocative and evocative than ever. Granted, FORGOTTEN TOMB’s core elements of black metal, doom metal, and even dark rock ‘n’ roll remain, but the band as a unified entity oozes confidence and ease, coolly-yet-passionately threading together such disparate elements as beautiful, blissful melody and molten, metallic crush. More surprisingly, band mastermind Herr Morbid here often unveils emotive ‘n’ anguished clean vocals, lending cathartic release and redemption to such heart-rending epics as “The Scapegoat” and the climatic title track.
Surely, these are but a few moves that will alienate some of FORGOTTEN TOMB’s core underground fanbase and, instead, move them closer to more accessible realms of heavy metal. But as the old cliché goes, “misery loves company,” and FORGOTTEN TOMB are allowing everyone into the party. That party will be bleak, bitter, but above all honest. And nothing hurts more than honesty. Witness this honesty as the band tours Europe in March 2007!
1. A Dish Best Served Cold
2. No Rehab (Final Exit)
3. Negative Megalomania
4. The Scapegoat
5. Blood and Concrete
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