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In this post we are going to take a quick look at how we can do basic Statistics such as Mean, Median, and Mode averages. We will look at how to mathematically caluclate them manually and with Excel.
The following five minute Jing video shows how we calculate these values manually, as well as how we can use Excel 2007 to perform the calculations.
Mouse over and Click the bottom right hand corner rectangle icon in the player, to go full size, and then the Esacpe key to return to this blog.
(Note that there might be a minute or two of blank white before the video loads in and starts playing.)
Here is a direct link to the above Excel Statistics video at Screencast:
The following Slideshare will allow you to view and download the Powerpoint 2007 Presentation, by clicking the Menu button at the bottom of the player.
Click the full screen icon at the bottom to view the PPT full size online, and then press the Escape key to return to this blog.
Median Mean Mode Excel 2007
View more presentations from bigpassy.
So that my friends is a lean and mean look at basic Excel Statistical functions. It was sure hard to fit it in under the Jing five minute video limit. (Just like too much hot wasabi, it almost left me breathless !).
Big Passy Wasabi
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