We've been getting so many emails and reading so many reports about this, it feels like the entire internet already knows about it. But in case you don't, the most comprehensive Mad Men blog around, Basket of Kisses, has the full story on the news that Mad Men, will not be returning to our TVs until 2012 (via).

"AMC has officially authorized production of season 5 of Mad Men, triggering our option with Lionsgate. While we are getting a later start than in years past due to ongoing, key non-cast negotiations, Mad Men will be back for a fifth season in early 2012 .
"[W]ith just few deal points outstanding in the proposed blockbuster deal — which would pay Weiner close to $30 million over two years — word is that talks are suddenly on the rocks. Though Weiner is poised to become the highest-paid showrunner on basic cable, we hear that he is objecting to three things AMC/Lionsgate are asking for: integrating product placement into the series, cutting 2 minutes from each episode’s running time in favor of more commercials and eliminating/reducing two regular cast members to save money. Weiner is resisting all of the above."
BOK snagged Matt Weiner for his thoughts on the matter. Read the whole thing, by all means, but what jumped out at us was his response when asked what the fans can do:
“Everyone can hold on, and we’ll see if it’s necessary, but of course I would want them to express their feelings. I can’t even tell you what it’s meant to me to have intelligent people who care about the show, who reflect about it, who obsess about it, it’s been a total surprise to me. It’s surpassed everything I would ever have expected.”
Well, we are ALL about expressing our feelings here at T Lo.
We've been watching this one unfold from the sidelines, for the most part. Nine times out of ten, fandom won't be able to budge the opinions of the Guys In Suits when there are disagreements at the top. There have been petitions floating around for a couple months now but we never felt the need to promote them because, as we said, we wanted to stay out of this one and because we weren't convinced they'd make a difference.
But this is 2011 and petitions are passe anyway. If you really want to get the attention of a television executive, then honey, you best get your ass on Facebook. Fortunately, the Lipp Sisters of Basket of Kisses are ahead of the curve on this and it should tell you how urgent we think this situation is that we're directing you to "like" a Facebook page in order to make your voice heard. If you're on FB, click on the "Save Mad Men from the Ad Men" page and berate all your friends to sign up. We can't bring the show back this year, but we can send a message to Lions Gate and AMC that they better not fuck around with the things that made this show great. Hands off our Mad Men, Bitches!
[Photo Credit: amctv.com]
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