Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Prediction: Hoffmania will continue

OK, so Doug Hoffman fell 4,000 votes short of a House seat. But ask yourself this: What will Regnery pay him as a book advance?

The basic idea of the Hoffman campaign -- an ordinary citizen taking a wild gamble on a political campaign, waging an against-all-odds underdog battle against the Establishment -- is nothing less than the epitome of the American Dream.

Hell's bells, it's a Disney movie starring Rick Moranis!

The peculiar circumstances of the NY23 special election put Hoffman in the glare of the national spotlight and, given his admitted lack of political "rock star" credentials, he did a lot better than any of the experts might have expected. As he said in his concession speech:
"This one was worth the fight. And it’s only one fight in the battle, and we have to keep fighting."
It was Hoffman's willingness to fight that made him an inspirational figure, and Erick Erickson says the fight must go on.

If the Republican bosses think they're going to pick another candidate in NY23 for 2010, they'd better think again. The grassroots conservatives -- the Tea Party people, the pro-lifers, the Club for Growth, Fred and Jeri Thompson, Sarah Palin -- who backed Doug Hoffman aren't going to forget his courageous example.

By the way, some campaign sources tell me that Mr. Hoffman was very emotionally bruised by Tuesday night's result. In recent days, he had come to believe -- like a lot of us believed -- that he was about to win an upset victory. If you'd like to send Mr. Hoffman a note of encouragement, please go to the contact" page at his Web site.

This isn't over.


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