Saturday, November 7, 2009

RCP now has a Twitter page?

Who knew? At any rate, RCP/Twitter caught this exchange, beginning with my Tweet:
@Ali @Cubachi Reihan Salam Gets Punk-Smacked (I Got TIES Older Than You, Kid!) PLZ Re-Tweet
To which Patrick Ruffini responded:
@rsmccain Douthat and Salam get a lot of things wrong but can we dispense with the reflexive anti-intellectualism? #weneednewbuckleys
To which I subsequently replied:
@PatrickRuffini Anti-elitism is not anti-intellectualism Distinct phenomena, not to be confused #tcot
And furthermore:
@PatrickRuffini And we've got an annoying surfeit of Buckley wannabes #weneednewbuckleys #tcot
All of this, of course, prompted by the original punk-smacking of Salam. As to the accusation of "reflexive anti-intellectualism," I'll have more to say later. But right now my wife's waiting for me at church, where my son performs today with the academy orchestra, and I must go.

Thanks to Matt Crowl, whose Tweet brought the Salam piece to my attention.

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