Tuesday, November 3, 2009

'She turned me into a jackass,' he said.

by Smitty (h/t Pundette)

'I got better,' continued Newt. No, that's apocryphal. Newt:
He told The Associated Press he was disappointed, and "deeply upset" that Scozzafava endorsed Owens.

"How could she have accepted all that support?" he said, adding later: "I'm very, very let down because she told everybody she was a Republican, and she said she was a loyal Republican."
Pundette is having none of this:
But Newt's been around long enough to judge on the basis of actions, not protestations of loyalty, or labels. By that standard we gave up on the RNC a long, long time ago. We've given up on Newt, too.
Actions, indeed. Once the votes are all counted, it will be interesting to see if Newt makes any effort to rehabilitate himself. Sure, he's got a long way to go before anybody trusts him, but he is a sharp fellow, has connections and could make valuable contributions, if he justs recalls and adheres to his purported principles.

As Stogie puts it:
the Newt Gingrichs of the Party have been sent packing, and that's a good thing.

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